Sun Management Center 3.6.1 User's Guide

MIB-II Instrumentation Module Version 1.0

This section presents information on the MIB-II Instrumentation module. The MIB-II Instrumentation module includes the property tables described in the following sections:

MIB-II System Group Table

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for MIB-II System Group.

Table C–81 MIB-II System Group Properties



System Description 

MIB-II system description or the description of the host (read-write)  

System OID  

Object identifier or the Object ID (OID) of the software system 

Time Since System Is Up 

Time in microseconds since the system booted 

System Contact 

The contact name for this system 

System Name 

The qualified host name on which the agent is running (read-write) 

System Location 

The physical location of the host (read-write) 

System Services 

Sum integer value indicating the set of services primarily offered 

MIB-II Interfaces Group Tables

The following tables provide a brief description of the properties for the MIB-II Interface group.

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for MIB-II Interfaces Group.

Table C–82 MIB-II Interfaces Group Properties



Number of Interfaces 

Number of interfaces to the machine, including the loopback 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for MIB-II Interfaces.

Table C–83 MIB-II Interface Properties



IF Index 

Index of the interface in this table 

IF Descr 

Description of the interface 

IF Type 

Type of the interface 

IF Largest MTU 

Size of the largest datagram that can be sent on the interface 

IF Speed 

Bandwidth of the interface 

IF Physical Address 

Physical address of the interface 

IF Admin Status 

Desired state of the interface 

IF Oper Status 

Operational state of the interface 

IF Last Change 

Value of sysUpTime (that is, time when the system is up and running) when the operational state has changed last time 

IF In Octets 

Octets received on the interface 

IF In Unicast Pkts 

Unicast packets received on the interface 

IF In NonUnicast Pkts 

Non-unicast packets received on the interface 

IF In Discards 

Number of packets on the interface that are chosen to be discarded 

IF In Errors 

Number of inbound packets on the interface that contained errors 

IF In Unknown Protos 

Number of packets with unsupported protocol that were received on the interface 

IF Out Octets 

Number of octets that are transmitted out on the interface 

IF Out Unicast Pkts 

Number of unicast packets transmitted out on the interface 

IF Out NonUnicast Pkts 

Number of non-unicast packets transmitted out on the interface 

IF Out Discards 

Number of outbound packets on the interface that contained errors 

IF Out Errors 

Number of outbound packets that could not be transmitted because of errors 

IF Out Queue Length 

Length of the output packet queue 

IF Specific 

Reference to the MIB definitions specific to the particular media 

MIB-II IP Group Table

The following tables provide a brief description of the properties for MIB-II IP.

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for MIB-II IP Group.

Table C–84 MIB-II Group Properties



IP Forwarding 

Indicates whether this entity is a gateway 

IP Default TTL 

Default Time-to-Live inserted into the IP headers 

IP In Receives 

Number of datagrams received 

IP In Header Errors 

Number of input datagrams that are discarded because of errors in IP headers 

IP In Address Errors 

Number of input datagrams that are discarded because of errors in destination IP address 

IP Forwarded Datagrams 

Number of forwarded datagrams 

IP In Unknown Protos 

Number of locally addressed datagrams that were discarded because of unsupported protocols 

IP In Discards 

Number of input datagrams that were discarded 

IP In Delivers 

Number of input datagrams that were successfully delivered 

IP Out Requests 

Number of datagrams that were supplied to IP for transmission  

IP Out Discards 

Number of output IP datagrams that were discarded 

IP Out No Routes 

Number of output IP datagrams that were discarded because no route destination was found 

IP Reassemble Timeouts 

Maximum time in seconds for which the received fragments were held for reassembly 

IP Reassemble Requireds 

Number of IP fragments received that required reassembly 

IP Reassemble OKs 

Number of IP datagrams that were successfully reassembled 

IP Reassemble Fails 

Number of failures detected by the reassembly algorithm 

IP Fragmentation OKs 

Number of IP datagrams that were successfully fragmented 

IP Fragmentation Fails 

Number of IP datagrams that have failed fragmentation 

IP Fragmentation Creates 

Number of IP datagram fragments that were generated due to fragmentation 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for IP Addresses.

Table C–85 IP Addresses Properties



IPAT IP Address 

IP address to which this entry's addressing information pertains 

IPAT IfIndex 

Index in the interface table for the corresponding interface 

IPAT Net Mask 

Subnet mask associated with the IP address 

IPAT Broadcast Address 

Value of the least significant bit in the IP broadcast address 

IPAT Reassemble Max Size 

Size of the largest IP datagram that can be reassembled by this entity 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for IP Route.

Table C–86 IP Route Properties



IP Route Destination 

Destination IP address of the route 

IP Route IfIndex 

Index of the interface in the interface table through which the next hop of this route is reached 

IP Route Metric1 

Primary routing metric for the route that is specific to the routing 1 protocol 

IP Route Metric2 

Alternate routing metric for the route that is specific to the routing 2 protocol 

IP Route Metric3 

Alternate routing metric for the route that is specific to the routing 3 protocol 

IP Route Metric4 

Alternate routing metric for the route that is specific to the routing 4 protocol 

IP Route NextHop 

IP address of the next hop of this route 

IP Route Type 

Type of route 

IP Route Proto 

Routing mechanism through which this route was learned 

IP Route Age 

Number of seconds since the route was last updated 

IP Route Mask 

Mask to be logical and with the destination address before being compared to the route destination 

IP Route Metric5 

Alternate routing metric for the route that is specific to the routing 5 protocol 

IP Route Info 

Reference to MIB definitions specific to the routing protocol 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for IP NetToMedia.

Table C–87 IP NetToMedia Properties



IPN2M IfIndex 

Index of the interface in the interface table on which this entry's equivalence is effective 

IPN2M PhysAddress 

Media-dependent physical address 

IPN2M NetAddress 

IP address corresponding to the physical address 

IPN2M Type 

Type of mapping 

MIB-II ICMP Group Table

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for MIB-II ICMP Group.

Table C–88 MIB-II ICMP Group Properties



ICMP In Messages 

Number of ICMP messages received 

ICMP In Errors 

Number of ICMP messages received with errors 

ICMP In Dest Unreachs 

Number of ICMP destination unreachable messages received 

ICMP In Time Exceeds 

Number of ICMP time exceeded messages received 

ICMP In Parameter Problems 

Number of messages received that describe ICMP parameter problems 

ICMP In Src Quenchs 

Number of ICMP source quench messages received 

ICMP In Redirects 

Number of ICMP redirect messages received 

ICMP In Echos 

Number of messages received that describe ICMP echo requests 

ICMP In Echo Reps 

Number of messages received that describe ICMP echo replies 

ICMP In Timestamps 

Number of messages received that describe ICMP timestamp requests 

ICMP In Timestamp Reps 

Number of messages that relate to ICMP timestamp replies 

ICMP In Address Masks 

Number of ICMP address mask request messages received 

ICMP In Address Mask Reps 

Number of ICMP address mask reply messages received 

ICMP Out Messages 

Number of ICMP messages that were attempted to be sent 

ICMP Out Errors 

Number of ICMP messages that were not sent due to problems 

ICMP Out Dest Unreachs 

Number of ICMP destination unreachable messages sent 

ICMP Out Time Exceeds 

Number of ICMP time exceeded messages sent 

ICMP Out Parameter Problems 

Number of messages sent that relate to ICMP parameter problems 

ICMP Out Src Quenchs 

Number of ICMP source quench messages sent 

ICMP Out Redirects 

Number of ICMP redirect messages sent 

ICMP Out Echos 

Number of messages sent that relate to ICMP echo requests 

ICMP Out Echo Reps 

Number of number of messages sent that relate to ICMP echo replies 

ICMP Out Timestamps 

Number of request messages sent for ICMP timestamps 

ICMP Out Timestamp Reps 

Number of ICMP timestamp reply messages sent 

ICMP Out Address Masks 

Number of ICMP address mask request messages sent 

ICMP Out Address Mask Reps 

Number of ICMP address mask reply messages sent 

MIB-II TCP Group Tables

The following tables provide a brief description of the properties for MIB-II TCP.

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for MIB-II TCP Group.

Table C–89 MIB-II TCP Group Properties



TCP Retransmission Algorithm 

Algorithm used to determine the timeout value to be used for retransmitting unacknowledged octets 

TCP Retransmit Min Timeout 

Minimum value permitted by TCP implementation for the retransmission timeout 

TCP Retransmit Max Timeout 

Maximum value permitted by TCP implementation for the retransmission timeout 

TCP Max Connections 

Limit on the number of TCP connections 

TCP Active Opens 

Number of times TCP connections have transitioned to SYN-SENT from CLOSED state 

TCP Passive Opens 

Number of times TCP connections have transitioned to SYN-RCVD from LISTEN state 

TCP Attempt Fails 

Number of times TCP connections have transitioned from SYN-SENT or SYN-RCVD to COLSED state and from SYN-RCVD to LISTEN state 

TCP Established-to-Resets 

Number of times TCP connections have transitioned from ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT to CLOSED state 

TCP Current Established 

Number of TCP connections for which the current state is ESTABLISHED or CLOSE-WAIT 

TCP In Segments 

Number of segments received 

TCP Out Segments 

Number of segments sent 

TCP Retransmitted Segments 

Number of segments retransmitted 

TCP In Errors 

Number of segments that were received in error 

TCP Out With Reset Flag 

Number of segments sent containing the RST flag 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for TCP Connections.

Table C–90 TCP Connections Properties



TcpConn State 

State of this TCP Connection 

TcpConn Local Address 

Local IP address for this TCP connection 

TcpConn Local Port 

Local port number for this TCP connection 

TcpConn Remote Address 

Remote IP address for this TCP connection 

TcpConn Remote Port 

Remote port number for this TCP connection 

MIB-II UDP Group Tables

The following tables provide a brief description of the properties for MIB-II UDP.

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for MIB-II UDP Group.

Table C–91 MIB-II UDP Group Properties



UDP In Datagrams 

Number of UDP datagrams that were delivered to UDP users 

UDP No Port Datagrams 

Number of received UDP datagrams for which there is no application at the destination port 

UDP In Errors 

Number of received UDP datagrams that could not be delivered 

UDP Out Datagrams 

Number of UDP datagrams sent 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for UDP.

Table C–92 UDP Properties



UDP Local Address 

The local IP address for this UDP listener 

UDP Local Port 

The local port number for this UDP listener