Sun Management Center 3.6.1 Release Notes

ProcedureTo Uninstall Sun Web Console

If you have an earlier version of Sun Web Console software on your system, you must uninstall Sun Web Console before installing the 2.2.3 version. If you want to remove the Sun Web Console software after removing the Sun Management Center from your system, you can also use this procedure.

Note –

Ensure that you are not in the /usr/lib/webconsole directory or its subdirectories when you run setup -u, or pkgrm fails.

  1. Become superuser by typing:

    % su -

  2. To remove the Sun Web Console software package, as superuser (su -) start the removal script by typing:

    # /usr/lib/webconsole/setup -u
  3. When the script has finished, you are prompted to remove the Tomcat server and Java 1.4.2 software. To keep this software, answer “No” to the following questions:

    If you have other work that requires use of the 
    Tomcat Servlet/JSP Container software, you may wish to 
    not delete it from your machine.                
    Do you want to delete it? [n]? n  
    If you have other work that requires use of the 
    Java 1.4.2 software, you may wish to not delete it 
    from your machine.
    Do you want to delete it? [n]? n