Sun Management Center 3.5 Service Availability Manager User's Guide

Using Service Element Modules

Note –

The IMAP and POP3 modules each require a dummy user name and password. The password is passed in clear text during the synthetic transactions. The password is therefore not secure. Be certain that the test users has no privileges.

Before loading a module, you must specify certain configuration parameters. For example, a service port might be requested. For more information about the configuration parameters, see Appendix A, Configuration and Module Parameters Reference.

Once a module is loaded, the state of the service is confirmed in the Server Details table. For more information, see Chapter 3, Synthetic Transaction Modules.

To Load the Module
  1. Load the module.

    For detailed information on loading modules, see “To Load a Module” in Sun Management Center 3.5 User's Guide.

  2. Provide the required parameters for each module you want to load in the Module Loader dialog box.

    Each module has specific parameters that need to be defined. Once the parameters are completed, the module is loaded in Sun Management Center under the Local Applications category. For more information, see Appendix A, Configuration and Module Parameters Reference.

To Access the Service Element Modules
  1. Click the Browser tab in the Sun Management Center console window.

  2. Double-click the Local Applications category to expand this category.

  3. Double-click the Service Element module.

    Service Manager displays the applicable folders.

  4. Double-click the applicable folder.

To Activate a Service Element Transaction
  1. Refer to To Activate a Synthetic Transaction.

To Delete or Edit a Service Element Module
  1. Refer to To Delete or Edit a Synthetic Transaction.

To Edit the Server Details Table
  1. Edit the applicable parameters in the Server Details table using the Edit Module feature.