Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

Chapter 2 Installation Overview

This chapter provides overviews and examples of the installation and setup process. This chapter also provides a brief overview of the Sun Management Center and its components. Sizing information is provided in Appendix C, Determining Hardware Resources.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Sun Management Center Overview

Sun Management Center software is an open and extensible system management tool that enables you to:

The Sun Management Center product is divided into a set of three base components. This section discusses the following topics:

The installation and setup of all Sun Management Center software, including add-on products, can be performed with a single installation command as described briefly in Chapter 1, Installing Sun Management Center 3.6 and in greater detail in Chapter 6, Installing and Updating Agents and Installing on Microsoft Windows.

Sun Management Center Architecture and Base Components

The Sun Management Center software management framework is based on a three-tier architecture consisting of the Sun Management Center console, server, and agent components, which provide the core Sun Management Center functions.

Figure 2–1 Sun Management Center Basic Architecture

Sun Management Center Basic Architecture

Sun Management Center initiates operations by sending requests to the Sun Management Center agents installed on each system. Based on SNMP technology, the agents process server requests. The agents also act autonomously, collecting and processing data locally. Agents can act on observed conditions to send SNMP traps (messages sent when errors or specific events occur on the network) or execute management operations. The agents can raise alarms or initiate specific actions through customized rules and thresholds even when connection to the manager is severed. For further information about SNMP, see Security Keys and SNMP Community String and SNMP Daemons and Legacy Agents.

Management and monitoring functions of the Sun Management Center agent are structured into loadable modules. The agent modules provide flexibility, enabling you to establish as little or as much monitoring and management as required on a per system basis. Additional modules can be dynamically loaded into Sun Management Center agents from the Sun Management Center console without disruption of the management or agent systems. For further information about Sun Management Center modules, see Appendix C, Sun Management Center Software Modules, in Sun Management Center 3.6 User’s Guide

Sun Management Center Base Add-on Products

Sun Management Center provides four add-ons that are distributed as part of the Sun Management Center distribution on CD or the Web download image:

For detailed information about base add-on and additional add-on products, see the Sun Management Center Web site at

Additional Add-on Products

Depending on the hardware platform on which you are installing Sun Management Center software, your system might require additional platform-specific add-ons. The add-on products provide additional functionality such as additional support for specific Sun hardware architectures, configuration readers, and new agent management. For information about a specific hardware platform, see the Sun Management Center supplement for your hardware platform. For information about additional add-ons for Sun Management Center, see the Sun Management Center Web site.

Note –

You should always read your Sun Management Center supplement for architecture-specific installation instructions before installing Sun Management Center software on a particular hardware platform.

Add-on products are released in one of two ways:

Add-on products released as part of the Sun Management Center distribution are installed during the installation process. The basic components are installed first, followed by installation of the add-on products.

Many add-on products offer architecture-specific support. Therefore, the installation checks your hardware. For example, if an add-on product supports workstation systems, you are given the opportunity to install the workstation add-on when you install Sun Management Center on a workstation host. In most cases, user confirmation is required prior to installing an add-on product.

If the add-on product is released separately from the Sun Management Center CD distribution, the add-on product includes its own installation instructions in the accompanying supplement.

Developer Environment

The developer environment enables you to extend Sun Management Center software functionality in various ways. You can perform the following tasks:

Note –

If you are installing the developer environment, you should run the Sun Management Center 3.6 developer environment and the Sun Management Center 3.6 production environment on separate, dedicated servers.

For further information about the Sun Management Center 3.6 developer environment, see the Sun Management Center 3.6 Developer Environment Reference Manual.

Sun Management Center Directories

After a successful installation and setup on the Solaris platform, directories are created as shown in Table 2–1.

On Microsoft Windows, only the C:\Program Files\SunMC directory is created.

Table 2–1 Sun Management Center Default Solaris Directories




Root directory that contains the infrastructure and applications of Sun Management Center 


Contains the init scripts for Sun Management Center software applications


Contains the Sun Management Center configuration and data files for your system 


Contains the Web server. 

The Web server is installed with the Sun Management Center server 


Web server documentation and examples 

Sun Management Center System Files

This section describes the system files modified by installation of Sun Management Center, and provides an overview of operating system patches.

/etc/system File

The values listed in the /etc/system file are the default values for Sun Management Center system parameters. The shmmax value is computed based on the available RAM on the machine.

The Sun Management Center software installation checks whether the limits in the /etc/system file are sufficient for the services layer to perform as expected. For example, the following entries are added to the /etc/system file if the entries are absent. If the values present are inadequate, the values are updated accordingly.

* This file has been modified by Sun MC 3.6 setup. *
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmax=201326592
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmin=1
set shmsys:shminfo_shmmni=100
set shmsys:shminfo_shmseg=10
set semsys:seminfo_semmni=100
set semsys:seminfo_semmsl=115
set semsys:seminfo_semmns=200
set semsys:seminfo_semopm=100
set semsys:seminfo_semvmx=32767

If any of the /etc/system entries are changed by the Sun Management Center software installation, then the system must be rebooted before proceeding further. After the system has rebooted, you must rerun the setup process using either es-setup or es-guisetup.

If /etc/system was changed by a previous installation of the Sun Management Center software, a system reboot is not necessary.

/etc/group File

The Sun Management Center software installation program adds the groups esadm, esdomadm, and esops to the local /etc/group file on the machine. A group entry is created for the database group smcorag in /etc/group on the machine where the Sun Management Center server is installed.

The user specified as the administrator during Sun Management Center setup is added to the esadm and esdomadm groups. For example, if the root user account is specified as the Sun Management Center administrator, the installation program appends the following lines to /etc/group:


/etc/passwd File

The Sun Management Center software installation adds the user smcorau to the /etc/passwd file. The smcorau user account is needed to run the database on the Sun Management Center server layer.

/var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/esusers File

The /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/esusers file is used to define authorized Sun Management Center users. For further information, see Users, Groups, and Roles Overview.

Supported Platforms

For the latest information on supported hardware platforms, see the Sun Management Center Web site at

Sun Management Center uses modules to monitor and manage the resources of systems, applications, and network devices. The module defines a collection of objects to be monitored by the agent. The Config-Reader module is required for hardware configuration information.

The following table provides examples of supported platforms for Sun Management Center and its add-ons.

Table 2–2 Examples of Supported Platforms

Operating System 

Sun Management Center Layers 

Example Hardware 

Solaris (SPARC) 

Agent, console, server, add-ons 

Note –

Some add-ons are platform-specific.

  • Small server

    Agents: 1 to 250 nodes

    Processor: Single 550/650 MHz UltraSPARC® IIi processor or higher

    Memory: 1 GB RAM or higher

    Examples: Sun Fire V100/V120

  • Medium server

    Agents: 250 to 500 nodes

    Processor: Single 1.5 GHz UltraSPARC® IIIi processor or higher

    Memory: 2 GB RAM or higher

    Examples: Sun Blade 1500

  • Large server:

    Agents: 500 to 750 nodes

    Processor: Two 1.34 GHz UltraSPARC® IIIi processors or higher

    Memory: 2 GB RAM or higher

    Examples: Sun Fire V210/V240, Sun Blade 2500

  • Extra-large server:

    Agents: 750 to 1000 nodes

    Processor: Four 1.28 GHz/1.5 GHz UltraSPARC® IIIi processors or higher

    Memory: 2 GB RAM or higher

    Examples: Sun Fire V440/V480/V490

Solaris (SPARC) 

Agent, console, add-ons 

Note –

Some add-ons are platform-specific.

  • SPARCStation 1/ 2/ 5/10/ 20

  • Ultra 1/450

  • Sun Blade 100/1000

  • Netra AC200/1120/1125/1400/1405

  • Sun Enterprise 150/3000/4000/ 5000/6000

  • Sun Ultra Enterprise 150/3000/4000/5000

  • Sun Fire 280R/V880/3800/4800/4810/6800/15000

  • SPARCcenter® 2000/2000E/1000/1000E

Solaris (x86), Linux 

Agent, console, some add-ons 

  • Sun Fire V60x/V65x

  • Sun Fire V20z

  • Sun Fire V40z

Solaris, Windows 98, Windows NT, Windows 2000, Windows XP 

Console layer and some add-ons 


Pentium 233 MHz or better 

The Config-Reader and the Dynamic Reconfiguration modules are not supported on all Sun hardware platforms. However, all other base Sun Management Center modules are supported on Sun hardware platforms.

For more information on base modules, refer to the Sun Management Center 3.6 User’s Guide.

Sample Sun Management Center Fresh Installation

The following sample scenarios provide summaries of the major steps required to install Sun Management Center for the first time and to upgrade previous versions of Sun Management Center to Sun Management Center 3.6.

Note –

To install, upgrade, and set up Sun Management Center, you must log in as root on each machine.

In this example, the Sun Management Center server, agent, console, and the Advanced System Monitoring (ASM) add-on are to be installed on three machines as follows:

Sun Management Center has not been installed on any of the machines.

The following procedure summarizes the major steps required to install Sun Management Center and ASM.

ProcedureTo Install Sun Management Center and ASM

  1. Make sure each machine is a supported platform.

    See Supported Platforms.

  2. Make sure each machine has the required resources.

    See Preinstallation Checklist.

  3. Determine whether you will install from the CDs or from a CD image.

    See Determining the Installation Source.

  4. Install the server on machine B as described in Installing Sun Management Center.

    During installation:

    • Select the production environment.

    • Select the server layer only. The agent layer is automatically selected.

    • Select the Advanced System Monitoring add-on.

      Advanced System Monitoring enables advanced monitoring capabilities for the server machine. For further information, see Additional Add-on Products.

    When installation is finished, you are informed that the /etc/system file has been updated, and that the system must be rebooted. Exit the installation process, and reboot the system.

  5. Set up the Sun Management Center server on machine B.

    When the system has rebooted, type the command /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-guisetup to set up the Sun Management Center server.

    When setting up the server:

    • Provide a password to generate the security key.

      The password must be the same for all Sun Management Center machines.

    • Provide an SNMPv1 security string.

      The security string must be the same for all Sun Management Center machines.

    When server setup is finished, the Advanced System Monitoring setup is performed.

    When Advanced System Monitoring setup is finished, you are given the option to start Sun Management Center components. Start all components.

  6. Install the agent on machine C as described in Installing Sun Management Center.

    During installation:

    • Select the production environment.

    • Select the agent layer only.

    • Select the Advanced System Monitoring add-on.

      Advanced System Monitoring enables advanced monitoring capabilities for the agent machine. For further information, see Additional Add-on Products.

    Note –

    If you need to install the agent on several machines, you can create an agent-update image and install the agent using the image as described in New LINK.

    When the agent installation is finished, you are given the option to run setup. Run setup.

  7. Set up Sun Management Center agent on machine C.

    When setting up the agent:

    • Provide the same security key password that you provided in Step 5.

    • Provide the same SNMPv1 community string that you provided in Step 5.

    • Provide the name of the Sun Management Center server machine.

    When agent setup is finished, you are given the option to start the Sun Management Center agent. Start the agent.

  8. Install the console on machine A as described in Installing Sun Management Center.

    During installation:

    • Select the production environment.

    • Select the console layer only.

    • Select the Advanced System Monitoring add-on.

      Advanced System Monitoring includes console components and menus.

    When the console installation is finished, you are given the option to run setup. Run setup.

    When setup is finished, start the console by typing the command /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -c.

Sun Management Center 3.0 to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2

In this example, the Sun Management Center 3.0 server, agent, and console are installed on three machines as follows:

The following procedure summarizes the steps required to upgrade the Sun Management Center 3.0 installation to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 on all three machines.

Note –

If your Sun Management Center 3.0 installation includes the Performance Reporting Manager, the upgrade process enables you to migrate the Sun Management Center data and your Performance Reporting Manager data. Make sure the machine on which the Performance Reporting Manager is installed has sufficient resources for the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 as described in Table 1–4.

ProcedureTo Upgrade Sun Management Center 3.0 to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2

  1. Make sure each machine is a supported platform.

    See Supported Platforms.

  2. Make sure each machine has the required resources.

    See Preinstallation Checklist.

  3. Determine whether you will install from the CDs or from a CD image.

    See Determining the Installation Source.

  4. Install the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 server on machine B as described in Upgrading the Server.

    During the installation:

    • Uninstall the previous Sun Management Center version when prompted.

    • Choose whether to migrate the Sun Management Center version data.

      • Select migrate data to save your Sun Management Center 3.0 data and use the data in Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2.

      • Select discard data if you do not want to save your Sun Management Center 3.0 data.

    • Select the production environment.

    • Select the server layer only. The agent is automatically installed.

    When server installation is finished, you are given the option to run setup. Run setup.

  5. Set up the server on machine B.

    During server setup:

    • Provide a password to generate the security key.

      The password must be the same password you provided when you set up Sun Management Center 3.0.

    • Provide an SNMPv1 security string.

      The security string must be the same security string you provided when you set up Sun Management Center 3.0.

    • If you chose to migrate the Sun Management Center 3.0 data to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2, choose whether to restore the Sun Management Center 3.0 data.

    Note –

    If you provide a different password for security seed generation on the server than you provided forSun Management Center 3.0 , then you must use the new password to generate the same security seed when setting up the agents. If you do not upgrade a Sun Management Center 3.0 agent to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2, you must regenerate the security key for the Sun Management Center 3.0 agent machine as described in Regenerating Security Keys.

    When server setup is finished, you are given the option to start Sun Management Center components. Start all components.

  6. Install the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 agent on machine C as described in Upgrading Agents.

    During agent installation:

    • Choose whether to migrate the Sun Management Center version agent data.

      • Select migrate data to save your Sun Management Center 3.0 data and use the data in Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2.

      • Select discard data if you do not want to save your Sun Management Center 3.0 data.

    • Select the production environment.

    • Select the agent layer only

  7. Set up the agent on machine C.

    During agent setup:

    • Provide a password to generate the security key.

      The password must be the same password you provided when you set up the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 server.

    • Provide an SNMPv1 security string.

      The security string must be the same security string you provided when you set up the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 server.

    • If you chose to migrate the Sun Management Center 3.0 agent data to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2, choose whether to restore the Sun Management Center 3.0 data.

    When agent setup is finished, you are given the option to start the Sun Management Center agent. Start the agent.

  8. Install the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 console on machine A.

    1. Type the command /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-uninst to uninstall the Sun Management Center 3.0 console.

    2. Install and set up the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 console as described in Installing Sun Management Center.

      When the console setup is finished, start the console by typing the command /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -c.

Sun Management Center 2.1.1 to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 Upgrade

In this example, the Sun Management Center 2.1.1 server, agent, and console are installed on three machines as follows:

The following procedure summarizes the steps required to upgrade the Sun Management Center 2.1.1 installation to Sun Management Center 3.6 on all three machines.

ProcedureTo Upgrade From Sun Management Center 2.1.1 to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2

  1. Make sure each machine is a supported platform.

    See Supported Platforms.

  2. Make sure each machine has the required resources.

    See Preinstallation Checklist.

  3. Determine whether you will install Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 from the CDs or from a CD image.

    See Determining the Installation Source.

  4. Upgrade the Sun Management Center 2.1.1 server on Machine B.

    1. Make sure each machine has the required resources.

      See Preinstallation Checklist.

    2. Download the migration utility from

    3. Run the migration utility and upgrade from Sun Management Center 2.1.1 to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2.

      See Upgrading From Sun Management Center 2.1 or 2.1.1.

    During the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 installation stage of the upgrade process:

    • Select the production environment.

    • Select the server layer only. The agent is automatically installed.

    • Choose whether to migrate the Sun Management Center 2.1.1 data.

      • Select migrate data to save your Sun Management Center 2.1.1 data and use the data in Sun Management Center 3.6.

      • Select discard data if you do not want to save your Sun Management Center 2.1.1 data.

    During the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 setup stage of the upgrade process:

    • Provide a password to generate the security key.

      The password must be the same for all Sun Management Center machines.

    • Provide an SNMPv1 security string.

      The security string must be the same for all Sun Management Center machines.

    • If you chose to migrate the Sun Management Center 2.1.1 data to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2, choose whether to restore the Sun Management Center 2.1.1 data.

    When server setup is finished, you are given the option to start the Sun Management Center components. Start all components.

  5. Upgrade the Sun Management Center 2.1.1 agent on machine C.

    Install the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 agent on machine C as described in Installing Sun Management Center.

    During agent installation:

    • Select Migrate Data if you want to save your the Sun Management Center 2.1.1 agent data and use the data in Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2.

    • Select the production environment.

    • Select the agent layer only

    When the agent installation is finished, you are given the option to run setup. Run setup.

  6. Set up the agent on machine C.

    During agent setup:

    • Provide the same security key password that you provided in Step 4.

    • Provide the same SNMPv1 community string that you provided in Step 4.

    • Provide the name of the Sun Management Center server machine.

    • If you chose to migrate the Sun Management Center 2.1.1 agent data to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2, choose whether to restore the Sun Management Center 2.1.1 data.

    Note –

    If you provide a different password for security seed generation on the server than you provided forSun Management Center 3.0 , then you must use the new password to generate the same security seed when setting up the agents. If you do not upgrade a Sun Management Center 3.0 agent to Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2, you must regenerate the security key for the Sun Management Center 3.0 agent machine as described in Regenerating Security Keys.

    When agent setup is finished, you are given the option to start the Sun Management Center agent. Start the agent.

  7. Install the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 console on machine A.

    1. Uninstall the Sun Management Center 2.1.1 console as described in the Sun Management Center 2.1.1 Installation Guide.

    2. Install and set up the Sun Management Center 3.5 Update 2 console as described in Installing Sun Management Center.

    When console setup is finished, start the console by typing the command /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-start -c.

Using Agent-Update to Upgrade Agents to Sun Management Center 3.6

In this example, the systems in the network have Sun Management Center 3.6 and Sun Management Center 3.0 installed as follows:

The following procedure summarizes the major steps required to upgrade machines C through Z to the Sun Management Center 3.6 agent.

ProcedureTo Upgrade Agents to Sun Management Center 3.6 Using Agent-Update

  1. Make sure that all Sun Management Center components on the Sun Management Center server machine B are running as described in Starting Components on the Solaris Platform.

  2. Create an agent-update image as described in To Create an Agent-Update Image Using es-gui-imagetool.

  3. Apply the agent-update image to machines C through Z as described in To Install or Update Agents From an Agent-Update Image Using agent-update.bin.

    While applying the agent-update image on each machine:

    • Provide a password to generate the security key.

      The password must be the same password you provided when you set up Sun Management Center 3.6 server.

    • Provide an SNMPv1 security string.

      The security string must be the same security string you provided when you set up Sun Management Center 3.6.

To Install the Sun Management Center Console on Microsoft Windows

If a previous Sun Management Center console version is installed on the Microsoft Windows machine, uninstall the console as described in Uninstalling Sun Management Center From the Microsoft Windows Platform.

To install the Sun Management Center 3.6 console, install the console as described in Installing Sun Management Center 3.6 on Microsoft Windows.

Product Documentation

The documentation for Sun Management Center 3.6 is not available on the software CD. The English documents and localized documents are available at