Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

Appendix B Using the Command Line for Uninstall, Install, and Setup

This appendix provides the procedures for using the command-line interface to uninstall, install, and set up Sun Management Center.

The following topics are provided:

Uninstalling Sun Management Center

This section provides a summary of the es-uninst options, and the procedure for using the es-uninst command-line script to uninstall Sun Management Center from Solaris systems.

es-uninst Options

The syntax for the es-uninst command is:

es-uninst [ -f | -F | -X | -h | -v ]

The following table describes the es-uninst command parameters.

Table B–1 es-uninst Options




Uninstall the entire Sun Management Center installation without prompting for confirmation and without stopping any running Sun Management Center processes. 

This option should be used only in a situation when the executables that are called while stopping Sun Management Center processes are not present where expected.  

For example, if the operating environment has been upgraded after Sun Management Center was installed from the Solaris 7 release to the Solaris 8 release, then some dynamically generated path names will be incorrect. In this case, this option avoids errors being reported during the uninstall process. 


Uninstall the entire Sun Management Center installation without prompting for confirmation. 


List the es-uninst options.


Perform the uninstall using verbose mode. 


Complete Sun Management Center uninstall without interaction. All processes are stopped, then the entire Sun Management Center installation, including the database and all add-ons, is removed. You are not given the opportunity to save your configuration data. 

Uninstalling Sun Management Center Versions 2.x and 3.x

The Sun Management Center 2.x and 3.x es-uninst command is used to uninstall all of a Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.x installation. The Sun Management Center 2.x and 3.x es-uninst command also provides the option to back up the Sun Management Center configuration data. If you chose to back up the configuration data, the Sun Management Center 3.6 installation process detects the backup, and asks whether you want to apply the data to the new installation.

You can uninstall Sun Management Center 2.x and 3.x by using the es-uninst command-line script, as described below.

Note –

The Sun Management Center 3.6 installation process automatically runs the es-uninst uninstall script of an existing Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.x installation. The Sun Management Center 2.x and 3.x es-uninst uninstall script gives you the opportunity to back up the configuration data from the previous version so that it can be applied to a new Sun Management Center 3.6 installation.

Caution – Caution –

(On Solaris 10) (On Solaris 10) When you uninstall Sun Management Center 3.6 from the global zone, the local zone agent data will not be preserved.

ProcedureTo Uninstall Sun Management Center 2.x and 3.x Using es-uninst

The following steps assume that you installed Sun Management Center in the default directory /opt. If you installed Sun Management Center in a different directory, replace /opt with the name of the directory you specified.

  1. Log in as root on the machine where the Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.x server is installed.

  2. Remove T3 device configuration information if T3 devices are present.

    If you have not installed and set up the add-on Monitoring and Management of A5x00 and T3 Devices, skip this step. Go to Step 3.

    If you monitor and manage T3 storage devices using the Monitoring and Management of A5x00 and T3 Devices add-on, remove T3 device configuration information before you uninstall Sun Management Center. The es-uninst command does not remove T3 device configuration information.

    To remove T3 device configuration information:

    1. Stop the Sun Management Center agent.

      Type the command /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-stop -a.

    2. Run the pre-uninstall script to remove T3 device configuration information.

      Type the command /opt/SUNWsymon/addons/storage/sbin/

      You are asked whether you want to stop the T3 from sending syslog messages. Type y. You are then prompted for the root password for the T3 device. Type the password.

      You are notified that the T3 device has been removed from the T3 module.

      • If you do not run the script before you install Sun Management Center 3.6, you will have to manually remove T3 configuration information before you can set up the new Sun Management Center 3.6 installation.

      • If you run the script but then decide to keep your Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.x installation, type the command /opt/SUNWsymon/es-setup -F to set up your T3 devices again.

    You can now uninstall Sun Management Center.

  3. To uninstall Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.x, type the command:

    # /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-uninst
    • If you are uninstalling Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.x, you are asked whether you want to save your user and configuration data. Go to Step 7.

    • If you are uninstalling Sun Management Center 3.6, a list of products that are installed is displayed.

      You are then asked whether you want to uninstall the Sun Management Center production environment or developer environment, depending on whether the production or developer environment is installed.

  4. Select the Sun Management Center 3.6 products that you want to uninstall.

    • Type y to uninstall the production or developer environment and all add-ons.

      You are notified that all Sun Management Center products will be uninstalled, and you are asked whether you want to change your selection. Go to Step 6.

    • Type n if you only want to uninstall one or more add-ons.

  5. Select the Sun Management Center 3.6 add-on products that you want to uninstall.

    The uninstall process steps through each add-on installed on your system. You are asked whether you want to uninstall the add-on.

    Type y to uninstall the add-on, or type n to keep the installed add-on.

    When you have completed your selections, a list of the products you selected for uninstall is displayed. You are asked whether you want to change your selections.

  6. Change selections if needed.

    • Type y to make different selections. The list of installed products is displayed again, and the uninstall selection process is repeated.

    • Type n to continue the uninstall process. You are asked whether you want to preserve the your user and configuration data.

  7. Save the Sun Management Center user and configuration data if needed.

    Caution – Caution –

    If you reply n, your current Sun Management Center user and configuration data, including the database, will be removed. In addition, your security keys will be overwritten, and you will also need to set up all agents for the agents to work properly.

    • Reply y if you want to retain your administrative domain configuration and custom alarm settings in /var/opt/SUNWsymon for subsequent installations or upgrades.

    • Type n to discard the existing database.

    You are asked whether you want to proceed with the uninstall.

  8. Complete the uninstall process.

    • Type y to uninstall the product or products that you have selected.

      Your selection or selections are uninstalled. When the process completes, the es-uninst script exits to the command prompt.

    • Type n if you do not want to uninstall the selected products.

      The es-uninst script exits to the command prompt.

Installing Sun Management Center Using es-inst

This section describes how to install the product on Solaris and Linux systems using the es-inst script. During installation, you may install the console, server, and agent layers either separately or in combination. You may also choose specific add-on products for the features that you want to install. When the install process is completed, the setup script es-setup is run, enabling you to set up the base and add-on components.

Note –

On Linux, agent and console layers can be installed. Remote installation is not possible using es-inst.

Note –

If you plan to install the Sun Management Center 3.6 development environment, you should install the developer environment on a separate, dedicated machine. The Sun Management Center server, agent, and console layers are automatically installed on a developer environment machine. A machine used for Sun Management Center development must meet the minimum hardware and software requirements for the Sun Management Center server layer. The developer environment machine must also meet the requirements for the agent layer, console layer, and any add-ons you install. For more information, see Chapter 1, Installing Sun Management Center 3.6.

es-inst Options

The syntax for the es-inst command is:

es-inst [-S dir][-T dir][-R dir][-C file][-A file][avh]

The following table describes the es-inst parameters.

Table B–2 es-inst Options


Modifying Options 




Perform an automated installation using the specified configuration file filename. This option is ignored if —C is also used.



Specify a file in which to store the configuration details entered during installation and setup. The file can be used for subsequent automated installation. 



Install Sun Management Center on a remote machine that is network file system read/write accessible from the root login account on the local machine.

See Installing on a Remote Machine.



Specify the source directory. 



Specify the target directory. 



Perform an agent-only product installation. See To Install or Update Agents From an Agent-Update Image Using agent-update.bin.



List the es-inst options.



Perform an installation using verbose full log mode. 

Installing on a Local Machine

This installation procedure assumes you are installing Sun Management Center from a cd-image directory on your network. See Creating Installation CD Images for further information. This procedure also assumes that you have not specified any of the es-inst parameters.

ProcedureTo Install Using the es-inst Script

  1. Log in as root on the machine where you want to install Sun Management Center.

  2. In the /etc/nsswitch.conf file, ensure that the group entry has files as the first token.

    group: files nis
  3. Review the README files.

    • /net/machine-name/cd-imagedir/disk1/sbin/README.INSTALL

    • /net/machine-name/cd-imagedir/disk1/sbin/INSTALL_README.HWDS

    where /net/machine-name/cd-imagedir is the path to the network machine where you created the Sun Management Center installation cd-image.

  4. Go to the Sun Management Center installation disk 1 sbin directory.

    • If you are installing from disk, and then go to the /<DiskMountDir>/sbin directory.

      During the installation process, you might be prompted to change CD disks depending on your selections.

    • If you are installing from a CD image, go to the /cd-image-dir/disk1/sbin directory, where cd-image-dir is the directory either where you copied the installation CDs, or where you downloaded and untarred the installation image from the Web.

  5. Run the es-inst installation script:

    • If a prior version of Sun Management Center is not installed on the system, you are prompted for the target directory. Go to Step 8.

    • If Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.0 is installed on the system, you are asked whether you want to uninstall the previous Sun Management Center version.

  6. Uninstall the previous version.

    You are asked whether you want to uninstall the previous version. You cannot install Sun Management Center 3.6 until the previous version is uninstalled.

    • Type n or q if you do not want to uninstall the previous version. You are returned to the system prompt.

    • Type y to uninstall the previous version.

      You are asked whether you want to migrate the data from the previous installation of Sun Management Center.

  7. Migrate previous version data.

    The administrative domain configuration data, custom alarm settings, and scripts from your previous installation of Sun Management Center 2.x or 3.0 can be saved and applied to the new installation of Sun Management Center 3.6. The data is located in /var/opt/SUNWsymon.

    • Type y to save and migrate the data from the previous version of Sun Management Center.

      The installation process stops any Sun Management Center processes that are running. The data is saved to /var/opt/SUNWsymon.bak.

    • Type n to discard all data from the previous version of Sun Management Center.

      The installation script warns you to move any custom scripts that you want to save.

      Caution – Caution –

      If you have custom scripts stored in any directory under /var/opt/SUNWsymon that you want to use in Sun Management Center 3.6, move them to an alternate location before going to Step 6.

    The installation process then runs the previous Sun Management Center version's es-uninst script to uninstall the previous version.

    Note –

    The uninstall process can take anywhere from a few minutes to half an hour, depending on the products and add-ons installed in the previous version.

    During the uninstall process, you might see messages that state package removal failed. You can ignore these messages. Any package that is not removed at first is removed later by the uninstall process.

    When the uninstall process completes, you are prompted for the directory in which to install Sun Management Center.

  8. Type the name of the directory in which to install Sun Management Center

    The default location is /opt.

    Sun Management Center software can be installed in any location on your system where the minimum required disk space is available. Press Return to accept the default location /opt or, if you want to install to a directory other than /opt, type the directory name.

    Tip –

    The command df -ak lists the used space and free space for each file system on the machine.

    You are asked whether you want to install either the production environment or the developer environment.

  9. Select either the Production Environment or Developer Environment.

    Note –

    You should install and run the Sun Management Center developer and production environments on separate, dedicated servers.

    Type 1 to install the production environment, or type 2 to install the developer environment.

    • If you selected Developer Environment, all Sun Management Center base components are installed:

      • Server layer

      • Agent layer

      • Console

      The Server Layer Binary Code License is displayed. Go to Step 11.

    • If you selected Production Environment, you are prompted to select the Sun Management Center component layers that you want to install.

  10. Select the Sun Management Center component layers that you want to install.

    You are asked to reply y or n to each layer. For example:

        Select the Sun Management Center Architectural Component Layers:
        3 Layer(s) are available for your selection:
        Do you want to install Server Layer Components ? [y|n|q]  y 
            The Server Layer has been selected for install.
            The Sun Management Center Agent will be installed automatically.
        Do you want to install Console Layer Components ? [y|n|q]  y 

    Note –

    If you select Server, Agent is automatically selected.

    • If you selected Server, or selected Server, Agent, and Console, the Server Layer Binary Code License is displayed. Go to Step 11.

    • If you selected Console, or Agent and Console, the Select Language Support screen appears. Go to Step 12.

    • If you selected Agent only, the Select Add-on Products screen appears. Go to Step 13.

  11. Review the Server Layer Binary Code License.

    Read the Server Layer Binary Code License carefully. To continue the installation, you must agree to the terms of the license.

    Type y to agree to the license and continue, or type n to exit the installation.

    • If a valid JDK version is not installed, you are informed which version is needed. The installation process then exits to the system prompt.

    • If you accept the license, the installation process checks for a valid JDK version. If a valid JDK version is installed, you are prompted to select additional language support.

    Note –

    The Sun Management Center Web server and online help are installed with the server layer.

  12. If you want to install the product in additional languages, select the appropriate languages.

    • If you want to install additional language support, type y.

      You are asked to reply y or n to each language.

    • If you do not want to install additional language support, type n.

    When you have completed language selection, the install process checks for add-on products.

  13. Select the Sun Management Center add-on products.

    The install process lists each add-on product, and asks if you want to install the product. Type y to select the product for installation, or type n if you do not want to install the product.

    • Some add-ons are platform-specific. For information about each add-on, refer to the platform supplements provided with the Sun Management Center release kit, and to the Sun Management Center Web site at

      Note –

      If you want to use the Sun StorEdge A5x00 add-on product, see Sun StorEdge A5x00 Packages before continuing.

    • Some add-ons have optional components. If optional add-on components are available, the components are listed sequentially. Type y to select the optional component for installation, or type n if you do not want to install the optional component.

    If you did not select any add-on products, you are asked whether you want to proceed. Type y to continue. The install process checks disk space. Go to Step 16.

    If you selected any add-ons, your selections are listed.

  14. Review your selections.

    Type y to continue, or type n to repeat the selection process.

    • If you selected only the agent, or agent and console during component selection, and selected any add-on products, the installation process checks disk space. Go to Step 16.

    • If you selected the server during component selection, and selected any of the following add-on products, the Add-on Products Binary Code License is displayed. Go to Step 15.

      • Advanced System Monitoring

      • Performance Reporting Manager

      • Service Availability Manager

      • Solaris Container Manager

      • System Reliability Manager

    • If you did not select any of the above add-on products but did select other add-on products, the installation process checks disk space. Go to Step 16.

  15. Review the Add-on Products Binary License.

    Read the Add-on Products Binary Code License carefully. To continue the installation, you must agree to the terms of the license.

    Type y to agree to the license or n to exit the installation.

    If you typed y to agree to the license and did not select additional add-on components, the installation process checks disk space.

  16. Check disk space.

    The installation process checks whether there is enough disk space to install the products that you selected.

    • If there is enough disk space, the products that you selected are installed.

      Note –

      The installation process can take from a few minutes to half an hour or more, depending on the products selected.

      When the installation process completes, a list of installed products is displayed. You are asked whether you want to set up the Sun Management Center components. Go to Step 18.

    • If there is not enough disk space, you are asked to provide an alternate file system. The amount of space available and the amount of space that is needed are displayed.

  17. Provide the name of an alternate file system with enough disk space.

    At the prompt requesting a different file system, type the name of a file system and directory that has enough free space.

    Tip –

    In a terminal window on the machine where you are installing Sun Management Center, type df -ak to list the amount of used and free space for each file system on the machine.

    The installation process checks disk space again. If there is enough disk space, the products that you selected are installed.

    Note –

    The installation process can take from a few minutes to half an hour or more, depending on the products selected.

    When the installation process completes, a list of installed products is displayed. You are asked whether you want to set up the Sun Management Center components.

  18. Decide whether to set up the installed products.

    Type y to set up Sun Management Center and any add-on products that you selected, or type n to exit and run setup later.

    Caution – Caution –

    If you have used es-inst to install only add-on products, type n to exit the installation and setup process. You must set up the add-on products as described by To Set Up an Add-on Product Using es-setup. Otherwise, you will overwrite your security keys, and will then have to set up all of the agents on all of your machines for the agents to work properly.

Installing on a Remote Machine

This section provides the procedure for installing Sun Management Center 3.6 on a Network File System accessible (NFS-mounted) remote machine using the es-inst command. The procedure assumes that you are installing Sun Management Center from a cd-image directory on your network. See Creating Installation CD Images for further information.

To install Sun Management Center on a remote machine, you have to prepare the remote machine before you install the software. Also, if the local machine is running Solaris 2.6, Solaris 7, or Solaris 8 software, you must install a patch as described in To Install Patches for pkgadd.

The following machine names are used as examples in the procedures in this section:

Note –

Remote installation is not supported if the remote machine is a Solaris 10 machine.

ProcedureTo Install Patches for pkgadd

If the local machine is running Solaris 2.6, Solaris 7, or Solaris 8 software, a patch for pkgadd specific to the operating system version must be installed on the local machine. You must install this patch before you can use the local machine to install Sun Management Center 3.6 on the remote machine.

If the local machine is running the Solaris 9 release, you do not need to install any patches. Go to To Prepare the Remote Machine.

  1. Log in as root on the local machine.

  2. Ensure that the OS patch level is current.

    To determine whether the patch is already installed, use the command showrev -p | grep patchnum, where patchnum is the required OS patch as follows:

    • Solaris 2.6 release: 106292

    • Solaris 7 release: 107443

    • Solaris 8 release: 110934

    For example, if the local machine is running Solaris 8 release, you would type:

    admin-host# showrev -p | grep 110934

    In the above example, the patch is not installed. The patch must be downloaded and installed as directed by Step 3.

    If the patch is installed, a listing similar to the following is displayed.

    admin-host# showrev -p | grep 110934
    admin-host# Patch: 110934-13 Obsoletes: Requires: Incompatibles: 
    Packages: pkgtrans, pkgadd, pkgchk

    If the patch that is required by the local machine Solaris version is installed, go to To Prepare the Remote Machine.

  3. Install the OS patch if needed.

    1. Download the required patch from

    2. Untar and then unzip the downloaded patch archive file.

    3. Install the patch using the patchadd command.

ProcedureTo Prepare the Remote Machine

  1. Log in as root on the remote machine.

  2. Create the Sun Management Center database access group and user account.

    1. Use the groupadd command to create the access group smcorag.

      remote# /usr/sbin/groupadd smcorag
    2. Create the directory /var/opt/SUNWsymon.

      This directory is where the database user account will be located.

      remote# mkdir -p /var/opt/SUNWsymon
    3. Use the useradd command to create the database user account smcorau, and then add the user account to the group smcorag.

      remote# /usr/sbin/useradd \
      ...-d /var/opt/SUNWsymon/smcorau \
         -m -g smcorag -s /bin/sh smcorau
  3. Stop the Network File System daemon mountd.

    remote# /etc/init.d/nfs.server stop
  4. Edit the /etc/dfs/dfstab file on the remote host.

    Add the following line:

    share —F nfs —o rw=admin-host,root=admin-host /

    where admin-host is the name of the machine from which you will install Sun Management Center onto the remote host.

    For example, if the remote host name is remote-server, and the name of the machine you will use to install Sun Management Center on remote-server is adminserver, then the entry in the remote-server /etc/dfs/dfstab file would be:

    share —F nfs —o rw=adminserver,root=adminserver

    This entry in the remote machine's dfstab file gives remote read and write permission only to the root user account logged on to the machine adminserver.

  5. Save and close /etc/dfs/dfstab.

  6. Start the Network File System daemon mountd.

    remote# /etc/init.d/nfs.server start
  7. Determine the Solaris version running on the remote machine.

    remote# /usr/bin/uname -r

    When you install Sun Management Center on the remote host, the es-inst script will prompt you for the Solaris version running on the remote host.

  8. Determine the remote host machine type.

    When you install Sun Management Center on the remote host, the es-inst script will prompt you for the remote machine type.

    The information required by es-inst for the remote host machine is generated by the command:

    remote# /usr/platform/platform/sbin/prtdiag | /usr/bin/head -1 \
          | /usr/bin/cut -f2 -d:

    where platform is the output of the command uname -i.

    For example:

    remote# /usr/bin/uname -i
    remote# /usr/platform/SUNW,Ultra/sbin/prtdiag 
      | /usr/bin/head -1 | /usr/bin/cut -f2 -d:
    Sun Microsystems  sun4u Sun Ultra UPA/PCI (UltraSPARC-IIi 333 MHz)

    Tip –

    Copy the remote host machine-type information to a temporary file on the local host. You can then paste the information when es-inst prompts you for the remote host machine type.

  9. Log off the remote machine.

    You can now install Sun Management Center on the remote host as described by the next procedure.

ProcedureTo Install Sun Management Center on the Remote Machine

  1. Log in as root on the local machine.

  2. Change to the Sun Management Center installation disk 1 sbin directory.

    • If you are installing from disk, then Change to the /c<DiskMountDir>/sbin directory.

      During the installation process, you might be prompted to change CD disks depending on your selections.

    • If you are installing from a CD image, Change to the /cd-image-dir/disk1/sbin directory, where cd-image-dir is the directory either where you copied the installation CDs, or where you downloaded the installation image from the Web.

  3. Run the es-inst installation script, and specify the remote host machine using the -R path/remote parameter.

    #./es-inst -R path/remote

    where path/remote is the full path to the remote machine. For example, if the remote host path and name is /net/remote-server, you would type:

    local-machine# ./es-inst -R /net/remote-server

    You are prompted for the Solaris version running on the remote machine.

  4. Type the Solaris version running on the remote machine.

    See To Prepare the Remote Machine, Step 7.

    You are prompted for the remote host machine type.

  5. Provide the remote host machine type.

    Type the machine type string that you generated in To Prepare the Remote Machine, Step 8. Alternately, if you copied the generated text to a file on the local host, you can paste the machine-type string in answer to the prompt.

    Note –

    The steps that are required to complete installation of Sun Management Center on a remote host are the same steps that are required for the default Sun Management Center install.

  6. Complete the installation.

    Note –

    Remote installation on to a Solaris 10 system is supported only from another Solaris 10 system.

Setting Up Sun Management Center Using es-setup

This section describes how to install the product on the Solaris platform using the es-setup script. During installation, you may install the console, server, and agent layers either separately or in combination. You may also choose specific add-on products for the features that you want to install. When the install process is completed, the set up script es-setup is run, enabling you to set up the base and add-on components.

When to Run Setup

You should run the setup process in the following situations:

es-setup Options

The syntax for the es-setup command is:

es-setup [ -A file ] [ -C file ] [ -p directory ] [ -Fhrvw ] [ -z Zone

The following table describes the es-setup parameters.

Table B–3 es-setup Options


Modifying Options 




Perform an automated setup using the specified response setup file filename.

Note –

This option is ignored if -C is also used.



Specify a file in which to store the setup responses that you provide during the setup process. The setup responses file can be used for subsequent automated setup. 

This option supersedes the-A option.



Set up the entire Sun Management Center installation again, including all installed base products, database, and add-ons.  

Use of this option is equivalent to resetting the entire installation to a post-install and pre-setup state, and then running setup. 



List the es-setup options.



Perform setup without generating security keys. 



Set up a single add-on where directory is the directory name for the add-on. For example, the storage add-on is in /opt/SUNWsymon/addons/storage. To set up the storage add-on using es-setup, you would type es-setup -p storage.

Use of this option is equivalent to resetting the specified add-on to a post-install and pre-setup state, and then running setup for the single add-on.  



Recreate the database. No other setup is performed. 



Perform setup using verbose mode. 



Skip Database re-setup. This option is valid with the -F option.



Setup agent to be run in zone 

Setting Up Sun Management Center 3.6 Using es-setup

This section provides the procedure for setting up Sun Management Center. This procedure assumes that you have not specified any of the es-setup parameters.

ProcedureTo Set Up Sun Management Center Using the es-setup Script

  1. Log in as root on the machine where you installed Sun Management Center.

  2. Change to the Sun Management Center sbin directory. For example:

    # cd /opt/SUNWsymon/sbin

    If you installed Sun Management Center in a different directory than /opt, Change to /installdir/SUNWsymon/sbin, where installdir is the directory you specified.

  3. Run the es-setup script.

    # ./es-setup
    • If you installed only the Sun Management Center console, the setup process sets up the console and then runs setup for any add-ons you selected. Go to Step 16.

    • If you installed only the agent, or agent and console, you are prompted to provide a password for security key generation. Go to Step 5.

    • If you installed the Sun Management Center server, the setup process checks for DB listener port conflict.

      • If the DB listener port is not in use and the system has sufficient memory, you are prompted to provide a password for security key generation. Go to Step 5.

      • If the DB listener port is not in use, and the system does not have sufficient memory, the amount of memory that is available and the amount of memory that is needed is displayed. The setup process exits to the system prompt. Take steps to make enough memory available, and then run setup again.

      • If the DB listener port is in use, you are prompted to assign an unused port.

  4. Resolve DB listener port conflict

    Press Return to accept the alternate default port 2522, or type the number of an unused port. To Determine Whether a Port Is Used describes how to determine whether a port is in use. Reconfiguring Sun Management Center Ports describes how to use the es-config command to reassign Sun Management Center ports.

    The setup process checks the available memory.

    • If the system has sufficient memory, you are prompted to provide a password for security key generation. Go to Step 5.

    • If the system does not have sufficient memory, the amount of memory that is available and the amount of memory that is needed is displayed. The setup process exits to the system prompt. Take steps to make enough memory available, and then run setup again.

  5. Generate the Sun Management Center security key.

    An encrypted security key is needed for communications between all Sun Management Center processes. The key is generated based on the password you provide, which must be between one and eight characters long, and contain no spaces. Entries that are greater than eight characters are truncated to eight characters.

    Note –

    Keep a record of the password that you use to generate the security key for this machine in a secure location in case you need to regenerate the key for the machine at a later time. You can also change the security key later, if needed, as described in Regenerating Security Keys.

    1. Type the password for the seed to generate the security keys.

    2. Type the password again.

    You are prompted for the SNMPv1 community string.

  6. Specify the SNMPv1 community security string.

    The community string is used for SNMP security, and is set to public by default.

    Set the community string to a value other than public or private to provide better SNMP security.

    Caution – Caution –

    The same SNMP community string must be used on all of the machines on which you install Sun Management Center 3.6. If you use different community strings on each machine, SNMP communications between the machines and Sun Management Center components will not work. Keep a record of the community string that you used in a secure location in case you need to specify the community string again at a later time.

    • If you want to accept the community string default value of public, press Return when prompted to submit the SNMPv1 community string.

    • If you want to use a custom community string, type the community string text. The community string can be up to 255 characters in length, but must not contain any spaces or blanks.

      You are prompted to retype the SNMPv1 community string to confirm the string. Type the same string. For example:

      This part of setup configures SNMPv1 read-only community string.
      Please make sure you use the same string on all the machines you install.
      You may like to keep record of this string for future use.
      Hit RETURN key to force default value.
      Please enter SNMPv1 community string: my-snmp-string
      Please re-enter the SNMPv1 community string to confirm:  my-snmp-string

    The setup process checks which base components have been installed.

    • If you installed only the agent, or agent and console, you are prompted for the .Sun Management Center server host name. Go to Step 9.

    • If you installed the server, the setup process checks for a valid UNIX administrator account name for the Sun Management Center esadm and esdomadm groups. See Users, Groups, and Roles Overview for information about groups.

      • If a valid UNIX administrator account name exists, the setup process checks for server port conflicts. Go to Step 8.

      • If a valid UNIX administrator account name does not exist, you are prompted for the UNIX administrator account name.

  7. Type a valid Solaris/Linux user name as the UNIX administrator account name.

    A valid Solaris/Linux user name is required for Sun Management Center administration. Type a valid Solaris/Linux user name.

    The setup process checks for server port conflicts.

  8. Resolve server port conflicts.

    The setup process checks the ports needed by the Sun Management Center server to determine whether the ports are in use. If any ports are in use, you must assign an unused port. To Determine Whether a Port Is Used describes how to determine whether a port is in use. Reconfiguring Sun Management Center Ports describes how to use the es-config command to reassign Sun Management Center ports.

    The ports are checked in the following order: topology service, configuration service, event service, cst service, trap service, metadata service, and look-up service.

    • If no ports are in use and you have installed the Sun Management Center server, you are prompted for the information needed to generate the Web server security key. Go to Step 10.

    • If no ports are in use and you have not installed the Sun Management Center server, you are prompted for the Sun Management Center server host name. Go to Step 7.

    • If any ports are in use, you are prompted to either reconfigure the port, or to stop the process that is using the port.

      • To reconfigure a port, type the number of an unused port.

      • To use the default port, press Return.

        Caution – Caution –

        If you chose to use the default port, you must manually review, identify, and then rename the /etc/rcN and /etc/rcN.d files that use the port, and then manually stop the processes that are using the port before you can start Sun Management Center.

      Once all port conflicts are resolved, the setup process checks whether you installed the server.

      • If you installed the Sun Management Center server, you are prompted for the information needed to generate the Web server security key. Go to Step 10.

      • If you have not installed the Sun Management Center server, you are prompted for the Sun Management Center server host name.

  9. Specify the Sun Management Center server host name.

    Type the name of the machine on which the Sun Management Center server was installed.

    The setup process checks whether the SNMP port is in use. Go to Step 12.

  10. Specify the Web server security key.

    An encrypted security key is needed for the Sun Management Center Web server. The key is generated based on the name of your organization and the name of your location. The names that you provide must not contain any spaces or blanks.

    For example, you could type administration for the organization, and headquarters for the location.

    Note –

    Keep a record of the entries that you use to generate the security key in a secure location in case you need to regenerate the key for a particular machine at a later time.

    Type the name of your organization at the prompt. For example:

    An encrypted security key is needed for the Sun Management Center 
    Web server. The key is generated based on the organization and location 
    you provide.
    Please enter the name of your organization : administration

    You are prompted for your geographical location. Type the name of your location at the prompt. For example:

    Please enter the geographical location of this host : headquarters

    The setup process checks whether the web server ports are in use.

    • If the web server port and the web server secure port are not in use, the setup process checks whether SNMP port 161 is in use. Go to Step 12.

    • If the web server default port or secure port is in use, you are prompted to assign an unused port.

  11. Resolve web server port conflicts.

    Press Return to use the displayed default port, or type the number of a port that is not in use.

    Caution – Caution –

    If you chose to use the default web server port or secure port, you must manually review, identify, and then rename the /etc/rcN and /etc/rcN.d files that use the port, and then manually stop the processes that are using the port before you can start Sun Management Center.

    The setup process checks whether the SNMP port is in use.

    • If SNMP port 161 is not in use, the setup process checks whether configuration data from a previous version of Sun Management Center has been saved. If you saved the configuration data from a previous Sun Management Center installation, you are asked whether you want to restore the data. Go to Step 14.

      If you did not save configuration data from a previous installation, or if this is the first time Sun Management Center has been installed on this machine, then the setup process lists the setup status for the core products you selected. Go to Step 15.

    • If SNMP port 161 is in use, you are prompted to assign an SNMP port number.

  12. Resolve the SNMP port conflict.

    You are notified that port 161 is in use by another process. In most cases, port 161 is the port that is assigned to and used by the SNMP daemon. However, other processes or daemons could be using port 161. Several third-party replacements and enhancements for the SNMP daemon exist, and could be installed on your system. The Sun Management Center agent is such a daemon.

    You can choose to use port 161, or you can assign a different port number.

    Caution – Caution –

    If you chose to restore the configuration data from a previous Sun Management Center installation, make sure you use the same port number as you had in the previous Sun Management Center installation for both agent and server upgrades.

    1. To assign a different port number, type an unused port number.

      For example:

      Enter the port you want to use [ 1100 to 65535 ]: 1161
      Updating /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/domain-config.x with new port number.

      Note –

      Keep a record of this alternate port number. You will need this number if you later install agents using the JumpStart software, or update the Sun Management Center agents using the agent update-image tools. For more information, see Installing Agents Using JumpStart and Creating Agent Installation and Update Images.

      If you did not save configuration data from a previous installation, or if this is the first time Sun Management Center has been installed on this machine, the setup process lists the setup status for the core products you selected. Go to Step 15.

    2. To use port 161, press Return.

      You are informed that port 161 will be used by Sun Management Center, and that the SNMP daemon might be set to restart automatically when the system is rebooted.

      You are asked whether you want to stop and disable the SNMPDX daemon.

  13. Stop and disable the SNMP daemon.

    • Type y to stop and disable the SNMP daemon.

      Caution – Caution –

      Stopping and disabling the SNMP daemon is not a guarantee that you have stopped the actual process that is using port 161. If Sun Management Center fails to start after you have completed Sun Management Center setup, another process or daemon could be using port 161. As noted in Step 12, you must manually review, identify, and then rename the /etc/rcN and /etc/rcN.d files that use port 161 to resolve the port conflict.

    • Type n if you do not want to stop and disable the SNMP daemon.

      Caution – Caution –

      You must stop all processes that use port 161 before you can start Sun Management Center.

    The setup process checks for configuration data from a previous version of Sun Management Center.

    • If you did not save configuration data from a previous installation, or if this is the first time Sun Management Center has been installed on this machine, the setup process lists the setup status for the core products you selected. Go to Step 15.

    • If you saved the configuration data from a previous Sun Management Center installation, you are asked whether you want to restore the data.

  14. Restore previous Sun Management Center configuration data

    The saved configuration data includes the graphs, topology objects, alarms, and other information that is displayed in the Sun Management Center console.

    Caution – Caution –

    If you do not restore the configuration data from the previous installation of Sun Management Center, you will have to manually re-create the information.

    • To restore the configuration data, type y and press Return. The configuration data from the previous Sun Management Center is restored.

    • To discard the configuration data, type n and press Return. The configuration data from the previous Sun Management Center is deleted.

    The setup process lists the setup status for the core products you selected.

  15. Finalize the base product setup process.

    • If base product setup failed, you are informed that the setup of the base products was not successful. You are then directed to see the log file for more details. The name of the log file is provided. The setup process exits to the system prompt.

      Review the log file to determine the cause of setup failure.

    • If base product setup succeeded, and you selected one or all of the base products only (console, agent, and server), you are asked whether you want to start the Sun Management Center components. Go to Step 17.

    • If base product setup succeeded and you selected any add-on products, the setup process runs the setup script for each add-on product you selected.

  16. Set up add-on products.

    Some add-on products are included with the Sun Management Center 3.6 installation CDs. These add-ons are the ones listed in Step 13, in the procedure To Install Using the es-inst Script. To set up each add-on, refer to the Sun Management Center supplement for each add-on, which is included in your installation kit. Each supplement provides the setup procedure for the specific add-on. The setup procedure for add-ons is therefore not duplicated here.

    Caution – Caution –

    If you selected the add-on Monitoring and Management of A5x00 and T3 Devices, apply the necessary patches to the server as described in Sun StorEdge A5x00 Packages. Also, add the T3 IP address, Ethernet address and name to the server system files as described in T3 Storage Devices.

    When the add-on setup is completed, the setup process lists the setup status for the add-on products.

    • If add-on product setup failed, you are informed that the setup of the add-on product was not successful. You are then directed to see the log file for more details. The name of the log file is provided. The setup process exits to the system prompt.

      Review the log file to determine the cause of setup failure.

    • If add-on setup succeeded, you are asked whether you want to start the Sun Management Center components.

  17. Start Sun Management Center 3.6.

    Caution – Caution –

    If your network uses Network Address Translation (NAT), type n to exit setup without starting Sun Management Center. Use the es-config command-line utility described in To Enable NAT Support to configure the machine for NAT before you start Sun Management Center.