Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

Creating CD Images From the Download Tar File

You can download the Sun Management Center Sun Management Center compressed tar file from the Web to a Solaris machine on your network. You then decompress and untar the tar file to a cd-image directory.

To download Sun Management Center, you must be registered with Sun as a Sun Web site user, and log in using your registered user ID. The download software Web page provides a link for registration.

Caution – Caution –

Before you download the tar file, ensure that you have at least 1.6 Gigabytes of free disk space for the tar file and for the CD image files that are created when you uncompress and unpack the tar file.

ProcedureTo Download the Tar File From the Web Site

  1. In a terminal window, log in as root on the system where you want to create the Sun Management Center installation image.

  2. Go to the Sun Management Center Web site at

  3. Click Get the Software.

  4. Click Sun Management Center 3.6.

    Follow the instructions and download the Sun Management Center 3.6 tar file to a location that is accessible by root.

  5. Go to the location where the tar file has been downloaded:

    # cd /download-directory
  6. Extract the Sun Management Center packages:

    # zcat downloaded-filename | tar xvf -

    The cd-image source directory is created, containing the subdirectories disk1 and disk2.

  7. Make the Sun Management Center 3.6 cd-image directory NFS-shared.

    Using NFS to share the CD image directory enables you to install Sun Management Center 3.6 from other machines by using the CD installation images instead of manually installing from the CDs.

    For example, if you extracted the cd-images to the directory SunManagementCenter, you would make the directory NFS-shared as follows.

    1. Stop the Network File System daemon mountd:

      /SunManagementCenter# /etc/init.d/nfs.server stop
    2. Edit the /etc/dfs/dfstab file.

      Add the following line:

      share -F nfs -o ro cd-image-dir

      where cd-image-dir is the Sun Management Center 3.6 cd-image directory.

      For example: share -F nfs -o ro /SunManagementCenter

    3. Save and close /etc/dfs/dfstab.

    4. Start the Network File System daemon mountd:

      /SunManagementCenter# /etc/init.d/nfs.server start

      The Sun Management Center 3.6 cd-image directory is now accessible from other machines.

    You can now use the Sun Management Center CD images to install Sun Management Center 3.6, or to upgrade previous versions of Sun Management Center as described in the following chapters.