Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

Users, Groups, and Roles Overview

Before you set up Sun Management Center users and user groups, you should understand the types of management operations that are possible so you can assign these operations to the appropriate user classes. Careful planning of user groups and roles helps ensure proper configuration management, and data integrity and security of management information and system resources.

No user may gain access to Sun Management Center without first being explicitly identified in the master access file /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/esusers. To grant access to Sun Management Center, the user's UNIX user name must be added to /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cfg/esusers. The user may then log into Sun Management Center using the standard UNIX user name and password.

When a user logs in, Sun Management Center controls access and defines the user privileges based on the following functional roles:

In large organizations, the Sun Management Center security roles are likely to map directly onto existing systems administration and support functions. For others, the process could be more involved, as the mapping between a corporate function and a product role could be less clear. In some cases, assignment of all logical roles to a single user could be warranted.

Note –

Specification of privileges is flexible and does not need to be confined to the four Sun Management Center security roles.

Sun Management Center privileges can be explicitly specified at the domain, topology container, agent, and module levels. The privileges specification can reference any arbitrary UNIX user or group, with the groups named above being used only by convention. The Sun Management Center privileges groups allow the use of existing account configurations when assigning functional roles. Although naming explicit users when assigning privileges is not recommended, the use of UNIX groups can be convenient in environments where such UNIX groups are already established.

For further information on security roles, groups, and users, see Setting Up Users andChapter 18, Sun Management Center Security, in Sun Management Center 3.6 User’s Guide.