Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

Physical Organization

The physical locations of managed systems might not correspond to the networks on which the systems reside. In this case, you might want to create a new domain in which the Sun Management Center groups are structured on physical lines. Cities, sites, buildings, floors, server rooms and even equipment racks can easily be represented. The systems at these locations can be copied and pasted from the domain in which discovery was performed using the Discovery Manager.

To configure a Sun Management Center environment along physical lines requires you to know where the systems are physically located. This organization can become a valuable and easily accessed reference. A physical organization also defines a status roll-up path, enabling problems to be isolated on physical lines and assisting in the identification of common-mode failures. For example, a localized power outage might affect systems that reside on several networks but will only appear in one physical area.

Caution – Caution –

You must keep the information up-to-date yourself. This information is not automatically updated when discoveries are performed. The discovery process does not automatically track assets that are physically relocated.