Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

ProcedureTo Determine Whether a Port Is Used


    In a terminal window, type /bin/netstat -an | grep portnumber where portnumber is the port number that you want to query. For example:

    # /bin/netstat -an | grep 8443
    • If the port is not in use, only the command-line prompt is returned as shown above.

    • If the port is in reserved or in use, the status of the port is returned. For example:

      # /bin/netstat -an | grep 1161
      #       *.1161                                Idle
      # /bin/netstat -an | grep 8080
      #         *.*                0      0 24576      0 LISTEN

      where is the IP address of the machine on which you entered the netstat command.