Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

x86 Agent Limitations

Note –

The same limitations apply for the Linux agent.

The x86 agents do not support any hardware-specific add-ons. The x86 agents have modules under the Operating System, Local Applications, and Remote Systems categories of the Module Browser tab in the Host Details window. Features such as Physical View, Logical View, Hardware Diagnostic module, and the Config-Reader module are not yet available on the Solaris x86 platform.

In the Java Console window, all x86 platforms have the same x86 icon. For example, two different x86 platform machines, such as the Sun Cobalt LX50 and the Sun Fire V60x, would both have the same icon.

You can filter by platform type when you use the Discovery feature, the Manage Jobs feature, or the PRM add-on. You can filter for the x86 platform by selecting x86 as the platform option.

For the Performance Reporting Manager (PRM) add-on, no system reports and hardware configuration reports are available.