Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

Preinstallation Information

The following table lists the prerequisite information that you need before installing the product.

Table 1–1 Information Needed Before Installing

Installation Item 



Choose the production environment if you want to use the product to manage and monitor your hardware.

Choose the developer environment to develop and test modules to work with the product. A machine used for development must meet the minimum hardware and software requirements for the server, agent, and console layers and any add-ons you install.

Note –

If you plan to install the developer environment, you should install it on a separate, dedicated machine. The server, agent, and console layers are automatically installed on a developer environment machine.

Base Layers (Components) 

Determine the machines on which you will install each component, for example, server, agent, and console. 


Determine which, if any, additional languages (French, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Korean, or Japanese) you need. 

The documentation for Sun Management Center 3.6 is not available on the media. Go to for documentation in English and the supported languages. 

Add-on Products 

Review the add-on supplements to determine which add-ons you want to install. For a list of add-on supplements, see Sun Management Center Documentation Resources.

Add-on products are installed on the same machine as the server. 

Space Needed 

If the machine does not have enough space in the default /opt directory, you might need to make one of the following adjustments:

  • Specify an alternate file system that has sufficient space

  • Select a machine with sufficient resources

  • Make more space in /opt


You must have permission to write to the /var/opt and /opt/SUNWsymon directories as root on each machine. You also need privileges to run commands such as chmod.

After installing the product and its add-ons, you will need to set up the product and its add-ons. The following table lists the prerequisite information that you need before setting up the product.

Table 1–2 Information Needed Before Setting Up

Set Up Item 


Administrator user name

A valid Solaris/Linux user name is required for assignment as the Sun Management Center administrator on Sun Management Center server machines. 

Network Addressing Mode

Sun Management Center uses two types of addressing for communication between the server and agent: IP addressing, and Network Address Translation (NAT). You must have the following information:  

  • Which addressing mode is used in your network

  • The name of each machine that is to be managed by Sun Management Center

  • The IP addresses and names for all machines that have been assigned static IP addresses

See Appendix D, Network Address Translation for further information.

Sun Management Center Password to Generate Security Key

Sun Management Center requires an encrypted security key for communication between processes. The security key is generated based on a unique password you provide. 

Store the password securely. You need the password if you modify your Sun Management Center installation. 

SNMPv1 Community String

Sun Management Center requires an SNMPv1 community string for security. The default is public. You have the option of specifying a more secure custom string.

Store the SNMPv1 string securely. You need the SNMPv1 security string if you modify your Sun Management Center installation. 

Information to Generate Web Server Security Key

The Sun Management Center Web server requires an encrypted security key. The security key is generated based your organization name and location. 

Store the organization name and location securely. You need this information if you modify your Sun Management Center Web server. 


Determine the assignments for the following ports: 

  • SNMPv1 Port: default 161

  • Sun Management Center Port: default 161, recommended 1161

  • Database port: default 2521

  • Web server port: default 8080

  • Web server secure port: 8443

See Default Ports for further information.