Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

Microsoft Windows 98 Swap Space and Environment Space

Microsoft Windows 98 requires a minimum of 768 Mbytes of swap space or virtual memory to run the Sun Management Center 3.6 console. 4096 bytes of environment space are required for the Microsoft Windows 98 and the Sun Management Center environment variables. If the swap space and environment space are not set correctly, Sun Management Center installation could fail and your machine could run out of environment space. Set the minimum swap space and environment space for Microsoft Windows 98 as described in the following procedures.

Note –

The following procedures are applicable only to Microsoft Windows 98. Microsoft Windows NT and Microsoft Windows 2000 do not require you to set minimum swap space and environment space.

ProcedureTo Set Microsoft Windows 98 Minimum Swap Space Size

  1. Log in as administrator, or as the user account that has full administration privileges.

  2. Choose Start -> Settings -> Control Panel.

  3. Double-click the System icon.

    The System Properties window appears.

  4. Select the Performance tab.

    The Performance Options window is displayed.

  5. Select Virtual Memory.

  6. Select Let me specify my own virtual memory settings.

  7. Type 768 in the Minimum field.

    The value in the Maximum field must be at least three times the amount of total system RAM.

    For example, if your Microsoft Windows 98 machine has 512 Mbytes of RAM, the Maximum field value should be 1536.

  8. Click OK.

    The Confirm Virtual Memory Settings dialog box appears.

  9. Click Yes in the Confirm Virtual Memory Settings dialog box.

    The dialog box closes.

  10. Click Close in the System Properties window.

    The System Properties window closes, and you are prompted to reboot the system.

  11. Click Yes to reboot the system.

    The virtual memory settings that you specified are applied and used when the system completes rebooting.

ProcedureTo Set Microsoft Windows 98 Minimum Environment Space Size

  1. Add the following line to the config.sys file if the line is not present.

  2. If you added the shell line to the config.sys file, or if you modified the existing shell line, reboot the system.