Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide

Uninstalling Solstice SyMON 1.x or Enterprise SyMON 2.x

Use of this procedure deletes all Sun Management Center 1.x data, including any custom rules and alarms that you have defined. If you want to preserve your data for use with a later version of Sun Management Center, follow the procedures in Upgrading from Solstice SyMON 1.x and Sun Enterprise SyMON 2.x Software.

ProcedureTo Uninstall Solstice SyMON 1.x or Enterprise SyMON 2.x

  1. Log in as root on the machine where the SyMON server is installed.

  2. Uninstall the SyMON software as directed by the SyMON documentation.

  3. Ensure that all components have been uninstalled.

    Type the following command to list all Sun Management Center packages:

    # pkginfo -c symon

    If any packages are listed, uninstall each package using the pkgrm command. For example:

    # pkginfo -c symon
    # pkgrm SUNWesse