Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Sun Management Center Overview

Sun Management Center software is an open, extensible system monitoring and management solution.

Sun Management Center has the following features.

System Management

Monitors and manages the system at the hardware and operating system levels. Monitored hardware includes boards, tapes, power supplies, and disks.

Operating System Management

Monitors and manages operating system parameters that include load, resource usage, disk space, and network statistics.

Application and Business System Management

Provides enabling technology to monitor business applications such as trading systems, accounting systems, inventory systems, and control systems.


Provides an open, scalable, and flexible solution to configure and manage multiple management administrative domains. These domains consist of many systems and span across an enterprise. Administrators can configure the software in a centralized or distributed fashion so that the product supports multiple users.

This solution uses Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), the JavaTM Remote Method Invocation (RMI), and the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). These tools enable Sun Management Center to provide integrated, comprehensive enterprise-wide management of Sun products and their subsystems, components, and peripheral devices.