Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Discovery Manager Concepts

The Discovery Manager can find hosts, routers, networks, and subnets as explained in Overview of IP Addressing. The Discovery Manager also discovers objects where a Sun Management Center agent is configured to a different server context as described in Sun Management Center Server Context and Security.

The Discovery Manager can also find and group topology objects. These objects can be related either to a single hardware platform or to a group of cooperating hardware platforms. This discovery and grouping feature enables convenient management of the related objects. This technique is described in the add-on supplement for those machine architectures that have this grouping requirement.

Note –

For additional information, refer to your platform supplement. The supplement contains important platform-specific information about discovering objects.

You can create one or more discover requests. Each request runs as a separate process and adds the discovered objects to the administrative domain. The Discovery feature is supported only for administrative domains and not for any subordinate groups. You can add requests only for an administrative domain.

You can also schedule requests to look periodically for new hosts.

Note –

Every discover request is assigned a Request ID. This ID is a unique Sun Management Center internal identifier of the request. The Request IDs might not be in sequential order. The Request ID displays in the Request Details portion of the Discover Requests Window.

About the Discover Objects Window

The Discover Objects window contains the fields that are described in the following table.

Table 4–1 Fields in the Discover Objects Window




A name that you create for the request. You can have multiple requests with the same name. 


“Yes” if the request is scheduled, “No” if not scheduled 


Reflects the current state of the discover request. The status can be one of the following states: 

  • New – A new request was added but not processed.

  • Queued – A request has been sent to the server but processing has not yet started.

  • Running – The request is currently being processed.

  • Succeeded – The request has been successfully processed.

  • Failed – Processing of the request has failed.

  • Stopped – The user has stopped the process.

  • 0 Hosts Added – The request did not find any hosts that passed the filter limits.

Request Details 

Provides summary information about the selected discover request. 

The Discover Objects window contains the buttons that are listed in the following table.

Table 4–2 Buttons in the Discover Requests Window




Create a new discover request through the New Discover Request window. 


Change the selected discover request. 


Create a copy of the selected discover request. 


Delete the selected discover request. 


Start the selected discover request. The selected request must not be running and must not be scheduled to run.  


Stop running the selected discover request. The selected request must be running. 


View a log of the results that the selected discover request generated.