Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Set Preferences for a Discover Objects Request

  1. In the New Discover Request window or the Edit Discover Request window, click the Preferences tab.

  2. To stop writing discover request information to a log file, deselect the Log Discover Request Progress check box.

    By default, information is written to a log that you can access from the Discover Objects window. For more information, see To View the Discover Objects Log.

    If you disable the log feature, information about the discover request process status still appears in the main Discover Objects window.

  3. If needed, edit the information in the Timeout field in the Ping section of the Preferences.

    This field enables you to increase the amount of time in seconds that the Discovery Manager waits for a response to a ping request. By default, the Discovery Manager waits for one second for a response before the Discovery Manager times out.

  4. If needed, edit the information in the Retries field in the Ping section of the Preferences.

    This field enables you to increase the number of times that the Discovery Manager sends a ping request to a potential managed object. By default, the Discovery Manager pings each potential object one time.

  5. If needed, edit the information in the Timeout field in the SNMP section of the Preferences.

    This field enables you to increase the amount of time in seconds that the Discovery Manager waits for a response to an SNMP request. By default, the Discovery Manager waits for three seconds for a response before the Discovery Manager times out.

  6. If needed, edit the information in the Retries field in the SNMP section of the Preferences.

    This field enables you to increase the number of times that the Discovery Manager sends an SNMP request to a potential managed object. By default, the Discovery Manager sends one SNMP request to each potential object.

  7. If needed, edit the information in the Community String field in the SNMP section of the preferences.

    This field enables you to change the default community string for SNMP. The default value is public. To change this value, add one or more character strings separated by a pipe (|) character.

  8. If needed, edit the value in the Maximum Hosts field in the General section of the preferences.

    This field enables you to limit the number of objects that can be added to the topology database. The default value is 256.

  9. If needed, edit the value in the Maximum Time field in the General section of the preferences.

    This field enables you to limit the amount of total time that the discovery process runs. The default value is 1000000 seconds, or approximately 280 hours or slightly more than 11 days.

  10. Click the OK button.

    Your preferences are applied. The New Discover Request window closes. The discovery process starts.