Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Viewing Application and Process Information

You can view information about an application. You can also view information about a specific process, such as the amount of memory or CPU currently in use.

Note –

The Solaris Process Details module must be loaded to view process information. For instructions, see To Load a Module.

ProcedureTo View Information About a Specific Application

  1. From the Details window, click the Applications tab.

    The Applications panel appears showing a list of available applications. By default, if the Solaris Process Details module is loaded:

    • The View Processes application is selected in the left side of the window.

    • Process information appears in the right side of the window.

  2. To view information about another application, click on the application name in the list on the left side of the window.

    For example, you could view information about the Hardware Diagnostic Suite. The right side of the window is updated with the selected application.

ProcedureTo Display Additional Properties in the Process Table

By default, the View Process table displays the following information:

To add additional information to the table, follow these steps:

  1. In the Details window, click the Applications tab.

    If the Solaris Process Details module is loaded, the View Process table appears.

  2. Click the View Columns button above the Process table to see a list of available process properties.

    A check mark appears next to columns that currently are in the table.

  3. To add information about a property to the table, select the property that you want to add.

    The selected property appears in a new column to the right of the existing columns in the table.

  4. To add more properties to the table, repeat the preceding steps.

    Tip –

    To view all process properties, select the All button at the bottom of the View Columns list.

ProcedureTo Sort Columns in the Process Table

You can sort the processes (rows) by the properties (column headers) in ascending or descending order. For example, you can sort the CPU% column starting with either the smallest or the largest value first.

  1. To sort columns in ascending order, click the property in the table column header.

    The processes (rows) are updated in ascending order for that property.

  2. To sort columns in descending order, click the property in the table column header while holding down the Shift key.

    The processes (rows) are updated in descending order for that property.

ProcedureTo Reorder Columns in the Process Table

You can rearrange the order of columns.

  1. To select a column, press mouse button 1 on a column header.

  2. To move the column, drag the column header to the desired position and release the mouse button.