Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Open the Attribute Editor for a Data Property Column

Choosing a data property column, rather than a specific data property value, enables you to define attributes for all values in that column. For example, consider the CPU Utilization Table. If you open the Attribute Editor for the column % CPU User Time, you could define alarm thresholds and actions for all CPUs. If you open the Attribute Editor for a specific % CPU User Time value, such as the value that applies to CPU 1, any alarm threshold or action that you defined would apply only to that specific CPU.

  1. Navigate through the topology or hierarchy view until you have accessed a data property table.

  2. Click the column heading for the column in which you are interested.

  3. To access the Attribute Editor, use one of the following mechanisms:

    • Press mouse button 1 and choose Attribute Editor from the pop-up menu.

    • Click the Attributes icon.

    The Attribute Editor window shows specific information about the selected data column. For information about defining alarm thresholds for the selected data column, see Managing and Controlling Alarms and Alarm Management Examples.