Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo View Module Status

You can find out what modules are loaded or are scheduled to be loaded on a given agent or server system. In addition, you can find out what other modules are available on that system and if any of the currently loaded modules are disabled. To view the status of modules on a given system, follow these steps.

  1. Select a server or agent managed object.

  2. Open the Details window for the selected object.

  3. From the Details window, click the Module Manager tab.

    The modules status view appears. This view has two main sections:

    • The “Modules with Load Status” section lists modules that are loaded or are scheduled to be loaded on the host. For each module, this section identifies the following information:

      • The module name, including a specific instance identifier if applicable

      • Whether the module is loaded

      • Whether the module is scheduled to be loaded

      • Whether the module is enabled

    • The “Available Modules” section lists modules that can be loaded for this host. This section includes modules that are listed in the “Modules with Load Status” section when there can be more than one instance of that module on the host. For each module, this section identifies these characteristics:

      • The module name

      • Whether the module can be loaded more than once on the host (also referred to as a multi-instance module)

    For information about how to change the status of a module, see the following sections: