Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Web Console Features and Functions

The Sun Management Center web console is a web-based management interface for the Sun Management Center platform. This host management system uses the secure HTTPS protocol to provide easy access to Sun Management Center management information. You can access the web console across the firewall to monitor and manage Sun Management Center information from any location. You can use widely available browsers, such as MozillaTM1.4 or higher, Netscape NavigatorTM 4.5.1 or higher, and Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher.

The web console is an optional Sun Management Center component. The web console depends on the Sun Management Center server for retrieving and manipulating managed objects. For information about configuring the web server, see Sun Management Center 3.6 Installation and Configuration Guide.

The following table identifies the functions that the web console provides and relates the functions to the Java Console.

Table 15–1 Web Console Functions


Web Console Information 

Related Java Console Information 

View the objects in the database 

Overview of Main Web Console Page

Chapter 5, Managing Objects in Sun Management Center

View details about a specific managed object 

Host Details Browser Page

Chapter 6, Viewing Detailed Information About a Managed Object

View more information about a specific managed object 

Info Tab in the Web Console

Info Tab

Browse information about modules for a managed object 

Browser Tab in the Web Console

Module Browser Tab and Chapter 7, Browsing Information About a Managed Object

View system logs 

Log Tab in the Web Console

View Logs Tab

Define and respond to alarm conditions 

Chapter 16, Managing Alarms Using the Web Console

Chapter 12, Managing Alarms

View and modify data property attributes 

Chapter 17, Managing Data Property Attributes Using the Web Console

Chapter 10, Monitoring Data Property Attributes

Load, unload, enable, or disable modules 

Modules Tab in the Web Console

Chapter 11, Managing Modules