Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo View Detailed Information About a Host

  1. If necessary, select a domain from the Domain menu.

    When you first open the web console page, the Default Domain displays.

  2. If necessary, expand the hierarchy until you see the object that you want.

    Tip –

    Click the triangle to show an object's child nodes.

  3. Click the name of the host for which you want to see more information.

    The right side of the page displays the general information and the system status for the selected managed object.

  4. Click the Go to Details link.

    By default, the Host Details page replaces the Main Console page.

    Tip –

    Many browsers enable you to open a link in a new window, instead of replacing the current page. For example, in Netscape Navigator, press mouse button 3 on a link. Then, choose “Open Link in New Window” from the pop-up menu.

    For a managed object on which a Sun Management Center agent is installed, the default Details view is the module Browser view. In addition, the following links display at the top of the page: Info, Browser (disabled when currently shown), Alarms, Modules, and View Log. For other managed objects, the default Details view is the Info view. These tabs have the same basic functions as the Details window for the Java Console, which is described in Chapter 6, Viewing Detailed Information About a Managed Object.