Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Using the Attribute Editor in the Web Console

The procedures in this section explain how to view specific attributes, change the refresh interval, and modify history information in the web console attribute editor.

ProcedureTo Access Specify Data Property Attributes

  1. Navigate through the hierarchy to a data property table.

    For example, to view information about the memory on a host, follow these steps:

    1. Select a managed object in the main console page.

    2. Click the Go to Details link.

      The Host Details page appears.

    3. In the Host Details page, click the expansion icon to the left of Operating System.

    4. Click the expansion icon to the left of Kernel Reader (Simple).

    5. Click Memory Usage Statistics.

      The data property table for Memory Usage Statistics appears.

  2. Select the value in the data property table whose attributes you want to view or modify.

    The Attribute Editor appears in a separate window.

ProcedureTo Specify How Often the Data Display Updates

The following example shows how to set a refresh interval in the System Load Statistics module.

  1. Select a data property, for example, System Load Statistics, on the Host Details Browser page.

  2. Select the Value column for Load Averages Over the Last Five Minutes.

    The Attribute Editor Info page is displayed.

  3. Click the Refresh tab.

    The Refresh page is displayed.

  4. Type a value in seconds in the Refresh Interval field.

    For example, if you type 300, the page updates every five minutes.

  5. To change the refresh interval and exit from the Attribute Editor, click the OK button.

    When the properties table for System Load Statistics is displayed, the values in the table are refreshed every five minutes.

    Tip –

    The agent uses less CPU cycles if you use a larger refresh interval.

ProcedureTo Change How Often History Data is Collected

The Sample Interval on the History page controls how frequently history data is captured.

  1. Select a data property, for example, System Load Statistics, on the Host Details Browser page.

  2. Select the Value column for a specific property, for example, Load Averages Over the Last Five Minutes.

    The Attribute Editor Info page is displayed.

  3. Click the History tab.

    The History page is displayed.

  4. Type a value in seconds in the Sample Interval field.

    For example, to collect a history data point every two minutes, you would type 120 in the Sample Interval field.

  5. Click the OK button to set the history interval and exit from the History page.