Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Define an Alarm Condition

The following example procedure shows how to create a simple alarm. This example creates an alarm threshold in the Kernel Reader module.

  1. Select a data property, for example, System Load Statistics, from the Host Details Browser page.

  2. Click the Alarms tab.

    The Alarms page is displayed.

  3. In the Critical Threshold (>) field, type a value that is less than the current value.

    Providing this value creates a critical alarm.

  4. Click OK to apply your changes and close the Alarms page.

    In a few moments, the Load Average Over the Last One Minute data field in the data properties table for System Load Statistics turns red. In addition, red alarm icons are displayed on the following folders and icons unless your system has an open, unacknowledged severity one black alarm:

    • Operating System

    • Kernel Reader

    • System Load Statistics

  5. Click the Host Details Alarms tab.

    The alarm that you created is reflected in the alarms table when the table is refreshed. For more information about this subject, see Chapter 16, Managing Alarms Using the Web Console.

  6. Click the acknowledge button, which looks like a check mark, to acknowledge this alarm.

  7. Create additional alarm thresholds. Then, familiarize yourself with their operation.

    Once you have created these alarms, you can set up security permissions so that another Sun Management Center software user cannot change your alarm thresholds. For more information about security, see Chapter 18, Sun Management Center Security.

    Note –

    You do not need to fill in alarm information for all alarm thresholds. For example, you can choose to create only a critical alarm threshold.