Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

CLI Output

The CLI provides the following output options:

Note –

All commands and log files are available only in English. However, command descriptions and help text follow the Java internationalization guidelines for languages other than English.

Command Output Format

The output of basic commands is available only in plain text. Refer to CLI Command and Parameter Overview for an explanation of basic and extended commands.

The output of extended commands is available in three formats:

To specify the output format, set the f parameter to the value of the desired format. Currently supported values are plain, xml, and html.

You can define a logical screen size for command output by setting the height parameter to a desired value. You can set the more parameter to display output one screen at a time. See Predefined Parameters and Flags for an explanation of these parameters.

Example 20–1 Plain Text Command Output

The following example shows the partial output of the getLoadedModules command in plain text.

== getLoadedModules: Results 1/16 ===============================
Module Name=Dynamic Reconfiguration
Module Key=dr
Description=Dynamic Reconfiguration (Sunfire)
Agent Name=myhost-dev86
Agent Port=161
== getLoadedModules: Results 2/16 ===============================
Module Name=Config-Reader(sun4u/sun4d)
Module Key=Config-Reader4u
Description=Config Reader (sun4u/sun4d)
Agent Name=myhost-dev86
Agent Port=161
== getLoadedModules: Results 15/16 ==============================
Module Name=DNS Synthetic Transaction [dns]
Module Key=dnsST+dnstest
Description=DNS Synthetic Transaction
Agent Name=myhost-dev86
Agent Port=161

CLI Log File

To record CLI commands in a log file, set the log parameter to the name of the file in which to record the commands. To pass the log file to CLI in batch mode for execution, set the logmode parameter to detailed, command, or from n. For more details, see log and logmore in Predefined Parameters and Flags.

The log file has the following format:

DATE & TIME;duration or message;command and parameters

Example 20–2 Partial CLI Log File

The following example is an excerpt of the log of the command sequence from which the previous getLoadedModules command output was obtained.

Fri Dec 21 14:15:12 PST 2001;0 second;set o=\
Fri Dec 21 14:15:23 PST 2001;0 second;set f=plain
Fri Dec 21 14:15:45 PST 2001;0 second;set a=smtg-dev21
Fri Dec 21 14:16:08 PST 2001;== START OF THREAD ==;getLoadedModules
Fri Dec 21 14:16:08 PST 2001;2 seconds;getLoadedModules
Fri Dec 21 14:16:12 PST 2001;9 seconds;print
Fri Dec 21 14:21:28 PST 2001;== START OF THREAD ==;getAgentPort
Fri Dec 21 14:21:28 PST 2001;0 second;getAgentPort
Fri Dec 21 14:21:31 PST 2001;0 second;print
Fri Dec 21 14:22:01 PST 2001;0 second;exit