Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo View Alarms From the Main Console Window

When an alarm condition occurs, a colored alarm indicator appears in the console window. For more information about the alarm indicators, see Alarm Severity Levels.

To view more information about an alarm:

  1. To see a summary of current alarms, click one of the Domain Status Summary buttons in the main console window.

    A list of objects appears in the Domain Status Details window. This list includes those objects that have at least one open, unacknowledged alarm for which the highest severity matches the icon on the button. For more information about these icons, see Alarm Severity Levels.

    From the Domain Status Details window, you can do the following tasks:

    • Change the sort order of the displayed alarms, as described in To Sort the Domain Status Alarms.

    • Access detailed information about a specific alarm, as described in Step 2.

    • Update the Domain Status Details window by clicking the Refresh Now button.

  2. To view details about a specific alarm, use one of the following methods:

    • Double-click the desired row in the Domain Status alarm table.

    • Click the desired row to select the row, and then click the Details button.

    The Details window for the applicable managed object appears with the Alarms tab selected and alarm information displayed. From this window, you can do the following tasks: