Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Browser Icons

The Browser Details window includes a row of icons at the top of the panel. These icons provide access to additional functions.

Module Icon

Click the module icon to see a list of module-related functions:

Options Icon

Click the options icon to view a list of the following functions:

Attributes Icon

Click the attributes icon to display the Attribute Editor for the selected object. The Attribute Editor provides additional information about the selected object and about the rules that govern its behavior. Use the Attribute Editor to edit information about the object. For more information about the Attribute Editor, see Chapter 10, Monitoring Data Property Attributes.

Set Property Value Icon

Click the set property value icon to add property values to a multi-instance task.

Graph Icon

Click the graph icon to create a graph of the selected monitored data property. For more information, see Chapter 9, Viewing Data Properties in a Graph.

Probe Icon

Click the probe icon to run selected commands on the monitored data property.

Refresh Icon

Click the refresh icon to update the information in the displayed data property table.

Note –

When the command is not appropriate for the selected object, the icons are unavailable and are dimmed.