Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Parameter Syntax

Parameters are specified as name=value pairs:


where the parameter name is file and the parameter value is /home/examples/example1. There must be no whitespace between the equals sign (=) and the parameter name or parameter value. If the value contains whitespace such as a space or tab character, the value must be enclosed in double-quote characters (ASCII character 0x22):

moduleDesc="Local File Scanning"

Parameter values can be a list of comma-separated values. There must be no whitespace between the comma-separated values, as shown in the following example.


A parameter list is a sequence of parameters separated by whitespace, as shown in the following example.

m=kernel-reader moduleDesc="My Kernel Reader"

Examples of Acceptable and Unacceptable Parameter Syntax

The following parameters have acceptable syntax:

ok1="This is just a test"

The following parameters do not have acceptable syntax:

broken1="How are you?","Who are you?"

Parameter Input File Format

Parameters can be stored in a file and read when needed. You can create as many parameter files as needed. Use the built-in i parameter to specify the name of the desired parameter input file.