Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Topology Command Parameters

The following parameters can be used by the extended commands for topology. For details about the a and t parameters, refer to Predefined Parameters and Flags.


The value of the agentPort parameter is the agent port number. If agentPort is not specified, the default value of 161 is used. The agentPort parameter is optional. This parameter is only specified if the url parameter is not specified and if you do not want the default port.


The value of the arch parameter is the architecture of the topology object.


The value of the domain parameter is the name of the Sun Management Center domain that you must specify for the setCurrentDomain command.


The value of the domainmode parameter can be follow or ignore. If the value is follow, the import command imports both the group and domain information from the file to the specified target domain. If the value is ignore, the import command ignores the domain information.


The value of the family parameter is the object family of the topology object. If this is not specified, this will be automatically obtained.


The value of the filename parameter is the name of the file. This parameter is used by export and import commands to export and import topology data.


The value of the fullDesc parameter is a text description of the entity or group being created.


The value of the isPolled parameter can be true or false. If the value is true, the entity polls for status information according to the polling type (pollType). The default value is true.


The value of the mode parameter can be append or overwrite. If the value is append, the export command adds the topology data to the end of the file. If the value is overwrite, the export command overwrites the file with the topology data.


The value of the nodemode parameter can be replace or ignore. If there is a mismatch of data in the file and in the domain, the replace value replaces the data in the domain with data in the file. The ignore value ignores any mismatch of data.


The value of the pollType parameter is the type of polling for this entity. The following values are allowed for the pollType parameter:

  • agroup – Identifies a group on which an active agent is installed and running

  • ahost – Identifies a host on which an active agent is installed and running

  • amod – Identifies a module that has an active agent

  • aprox – Identifies an agent that is running an SNMP proxy module

  • dummy – Identifies a device that is not monitored

  • ping – Identifies a host to be monitored using the ICMP ping command

  • snmp – Identifies a host to be monitored using the SNMP ping command


The value of the readInfo parameter is the name of the SNMPv1 read community for SNMP polled objects.


The value of the targetHost parameter is the name of the target host.


The value of the targetIP parameter is the IP address of the target host.


The value of the topoCfg parameter is configuration information for the topological representation of a managed entity.


The value of the topoType parameter is the topological representation type of a managed entity.


The value of the url parameter is the URL of the entity to be polled. The value of the url parameter can be specified in the following formats:


The value of the validity parameter is the duration (in days) you want the exported topology data to be valid. The value of the validity parameter can be Unlimited, 7, 15, 30, or 90.


The value of the writeInfo parameter is the name of the SNMPv1 write community for SNMP polled objects.