Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Create a Node

You create nodes through the Create Object function on the Edit menu in the main console window.

Note –

An administrative domain must exist before you can create a node. For information about how to create an administrative domain, see To Create Administrative Domains.

  1. In the hierarchy view of the main console window, select the administrative domain in which to create the new object.

    Select the lowest level group of the administrative domain where the new object should be created. For example, to create a node in a building that is in one of the campuses of a administrative domain, select the building in the administrative domain as the lowest level group.

  2. In the main console window, choose Create Object from the Edit menu.

    The Create Object window is displayed. By default, the Node tab is selected.

  3. In the upper half of the Create Object window, set up the new node.

    1. Use the Monitor Via combo box to select the software or agent to monitor the new node.

      There are seven categories of agents and monitors. If an agent is not available for your selected object, SNMP Ping usually works. If you do not select an available agent or ping command, the creation fails. The following choices are available:

      • Sun Management Center Agent – Host

      • Sun Management Center Agent – Platform

      • Sun Management Center Agent - Module

      • SNMP Proxy

      • SNMP Ping

      • ICMP Ping

      • Non-Monitored

      Note –

      To create an agent object, the MIB-II module must be loaded. If it is not, the agent can be created only as a ping host or as an SNMP host.

      For more information about these monitoring choices, see Agents and Monitors. For information about creating an object for your specific platform, see the appropriate platform supplement.

    2. If applicable, select a type from the pull-down menu in the Type field.

      The Type field displays only if SNMP Ping, ICMP Ping, or Non-monitored is selected in the Monitor Via field.

      The following Type choices are available:

      • Server

      • Workstation

      • PC

      • Router

      • Printer

      • Concentrator

    3. If applicable, scroll and select an object in the Create Object window.

      For some types of monitoring, the right side of the Create Object window displays the set of icons for the object you have selected. The icons are displayed in the hierarchy and topology views in the main console window when the node is created.

    4. (Optional) Create a unique name in the Node Label field.

      The default label is the host name.

    5. (Optional) Type a description of the node.

  4. In the lower half of the Create Object window, type the requested information.

    The questions in the lower half of the window vary with the agent or monitor that you selected in Step a. The Non-Monitored selection does not require further information, but most agent or monitor selections ask you to provide the following information:

    • Node host name

    • Node IP address

    You can provide the host name, the IP address, or both. If there is a conflict between the host name and the IP address, the host name takes precedence.

    Other agent or monitor selections might also ask for one or more of the following items:

    • Sun Management Center agent port number (default is 161)

    • Proxy host name and IP address if Monitor Via is SNMP Proxy

    • Read and write SNMP communities if Monitor Via is SNMP Ping (The default read community is public; The default write community is private.)

    • Module name

  5. To add the new node to your topology and close the Create Object window, click the OK button.

    The following message is displayed at the bottom of the Create Object window:

    Creating Node... Please Wait.
    • If the request is completed successfully, the main console window is updated, and the new node is displayed.

    • If the creation fails, an error message is displayed at the bottom of the Create Object window. The cause of the error might be one of the following reasons:

      • You do not have permission to create this node.

      • You must start a Sun Management Center agent on the node.

      • You provided incorrect agent host or port information.

      Note –

      When you create a node on the current Sun Management Center server context, ownership of that node defaults to your login identity. When you create a node on a remote server context, ownership of that node defaults to a general user identity. This situation is normal. The general user identity is imposed for security of transactions between Sun Management Center server contexts. For more information, see Sun Management Center Remote Server Access.

    For information about how to change the new node, see Changing Objects.