Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Types of Dataviews

There are two types of Dataviews:

Scalar Dataviews

A scalar dataview is created from scalar data items, which are single cells from scalar or vector tables. A scalar dataview includes the following three columns:

ProcedureTo Create a Scalar Dataview

The following example uses the CPU Utilization table.

  1. In the Details window, navigate to the CPU Utilization table.

  2. Select a data cell in the table.

  3. Copy the data cell to the dataview clipboard in either of the following ways:

    • From the Options menu, choose Copy to Dataview Clipboard Cell(s) or Create Dataview Cell(s).

    • In the Details window, press mouse button 3 on the table and select Copy to Dataview Clipboard Cell(s) from the pop-up menu.

    For additional information about the Copy to Dataview Clipboard and the Create Dataview options, see Creating a Dataview.

Vector Dataviews

The vector dataview contains one or more rows from a vector module table. You can simultaneously select one row or multiple rows from a vector table. You can select multiple rows that are not contiguous. For example, you could select the following rows:

You cannot select partial rows.

Caution – Caution –

Do not paste rows from vector and scalar tables into the same dataview window.

ProcedureTo Create a Vector Dataview

The following example uses the CPU Utilization table.

  1. In the Browser Details window, navigate to the CPU Utilization table.

  2. Select a row in the table.

    Tip –

    To select multiple rows in the table, use the Shift key. To select multiple, non-continuous rows from the table, use the Control key.

  3. To copy the data rows to the dataview clipboard, proceed with one of the following:

    • From the Options menu, choose Copy to Dataview Clipboard Row(s) or Create Dataview Row(s).

    • In the Details window, press mouse button 3 on the table and select Copy to Dataview Clipboard Row(s).

    For additional information about the Copy to Dataview Clipboard and the Create Dataview options, see Creating a Dataview.

    Caution – Caution –

    You can only paste compatible data types. If you try to paste an incompatible data type, an error dialog box appears.