Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Copy to the Dataview Clipboard From the Details Window

  1. Press mouse button 3 on a row or data cell in a data property table. Then, choose Copy to Dataview Clipboard from the pop-up menu.

  2. Select Cell or Row(s) as appropriate.

  3. To add the copied information to an existing dataview, follow these steps:

    1. Open an existing dataview as explained in To Open an Existing Dataview.

    2. From the Edit menu, choose Paste from Clipboard.

  4. To add the copied information to a new dataview, follow these steps:

    1. In the Details window, click the Dataview icon.

      Tip –

      The Dataview icon is the third icon from the right above the data property table.

      An empty Dataview window appears.

    2. From the Edit menu, choose Paste from Clipboard.