Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Delete Alarms

You should delete closed alarms to conserve space and to keep the alarms database current.

You can delete open alarms. If you delete open alarms, alarm information in the Alarms windows might differ from alarm information in the hierarchy and topology views. The alarms are removed from the view in the alarms table, but the alarm condition might still exist. You should delete open alarms only if those alarms are orphaned. An example of when this action might be required would be in the case of an unloaded module. If the module has triggered alarms that were not closed before the module was unloaded, the alarms are orphaned. If orphaned alarms remain in view, you need to be delete those alarms manually.

Caution – Caution –

You should only delete open alarms when there is no other way to remove these alarms.

  1. To delete all closed alarms, choose Delete All Closed Alarms from the Options menu.

  2. To delete only specific alarms:

    1. With the Alarms tab selected in the Details window, click the appropriate rows in the alarms table.

      Tip –

      To select multiple rows in the table, use the Shift key or drag the cursor. To select multiple, non-contiguous rows from the table, use the Control key.

    2. Choose Delete Alarms from the Options menu.

      A confirmation alert appears.