Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo View and Add Suggested Fixes

A default suggested fix might be displayed when a specific alarm is selected in the alarms table. You can also provide your own suggested fix to accompany the default suggestion.

  1. With the Alarms tab selected in the Details window, select an alarm in the alarms table.

  2. Choose Edit Suggested Fix from the Options menu.

    The Edit Suggested Fix window appears. If a Sun Management Center suggested fix exists for this alarm, it is listed without a user identifier in the operator field.

  3. To view the suggested fix, select the suggested fix in the Add window. Then, click the View Alarms button.

    A read-only window appears that displays the text for the suggested fix. To close this window, click the Cancel button.

  4. To add your own suggested fix for this alarm, click the Add button in the Edit Suggested Fix window.

    The Add window appears.

  5. Type your suggested fix in the text field of the Add window.

    The length of the suggested fix text is limited to 4000 bytes.

  6. Click the OK button to accept your changes and close the Add window.