Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Fault Manager Module Version 1.0

The Fault Manager module handles hardware and software faults effectively. This module also displays a detailed fault report or a message article for the selected fault.

The Fault Manager module has the following managed objects:

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for the fault manager.

Table C–120 Fault Manager Properties



Fault Management Daemon 

Shows the details of the Fault Management Daemon. 

FMD Configuration 

Shows the details of the modules loaded. 

FMD Fault Events 

Shows the latest 20 faults with their message IDs. An alarm will be generated for every new fault. 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for Fault Management Daemon.

Table C–121 Fault Management Daemon Properties




Properties of the Fault Management Daemon. Properties are FMD program path, FMD program version, and FMD process id. 


Values of the properties of Fault Management Daemon. 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for FMD configuration.

Table C–122 FMD Configuration Properties



Module Name 

Name of the FMD module. Examples of FMD modules are cpumem-diagnosis, cpumem-retire, and fmd-self-diagnosis. 


Version of the module. 


Status of the module. The status can be active or failed. An alarm is generated for this property when the value changes from active to failed. 


Description of the module. 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for FMD fault events.

Table C–123 FMD Fault Events Properties




Time at which the diagnosis of the fault happened 


Unique ID for the fault event 


Message identifier that is used to access a corresponding knowledge article located at

ProcedureTo View a Fault Report

  1. Navigate through the topology or hierarchy view until you have accessed the FMD Fault Events table of the Fault Manager module.

  2. Select a fault for which you want to view a fault report.

  3. Press mouse button 3 and choose Show Fault Report from the pop-up menu.

    The Probe Viewer shows the detailed fault report for the selected fault.

ProcedureTo View a Message Article

The message article contains information such as the fault type, severity, description, impact, and suggested action. This article helps the user to take appropriate action for a specific fault.

  1. Navigate through the topology or hierarchy view until you have accessed the FMD Fault Events table of the Fault Manager module.

  2. Select a fault for which you want to view a message article.

  3. Press mouse button 3 and, from the pop-up menu, choose Show Message Article at

    A browser opens with a message article at the following site:<SUNW-MSG-ID>

    Where <SUNW-MSG-ID> is the message identifier and is the last column of the FMD Fault table.

    Note –

    The message article does not open in the browser if the Java Console is not installed on your system.