Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Sun Management Center Groups

The following groups are created by default on the server host during the Sun Management Center server setup:

In addition, all the Sun Management Center users belong to a hypothetical group, called ANYGROUP.

The listed groups must be defined on the machine where the Sun Management Center server layer is running. These groups do not need to be defined on other machines. These groups are described in greater detail in the sections that follow.

Note –

The listed groups are defined in the /etc/group file.

Sun Management Center Operators or esops

Sun Management Center software users that belong to the group esops are usually operator users. These operators run, monitor, and to some extent, configure parameters on the managed systems. esops can perform operations, including some operations that are allowed for general users:

Sun Management Center Administrators or esadm

Software users that belong to the group esadm can perform administrator operations. Administrator operations are a superset of the operations that can be performed by operator users as described in Sun Management Center Operators or esops. In addition to all the operations that operator users (esops) can perform, these administrator users (esadm) can perform the following operations:

Sun Management Center Domain Administrators or esdomadm

The users that belong to the group esdomadm can perform the following domain administrator operations:

Note –

Other than the privileges listed above, a user that belongs to esdomadm is just a general user, unless configured otherwise.