Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Alarm Categories

The alarms table presents different categories of detailed alarm information. The following information always appears in the alarms table.


Indicates the severity of the alarm. Black is most severe. Grey is least severe. A green check mark in this column indicates that the alarm was acknowledged.

Start time

Date and time that the alarm occurred


Indicates the state of the alarm: open, a “ringing” bell icon, or closed, a “silent”bell icon


Indicates the action taken by the user or the program in response to the alarm condition


Abbreviated message that describes the alarm

The following information appears on the bottom of the page when an alarm row is selected. This information is only displayed for closed or acknowledged alarms.

Alarm Ended On

Date and time that the alarm condition was fixed

Alarm Acknowledged On

Date and time that the alarm was acknowledged, and the user ID of the person who acknowledged the alarm

Select an alarm row to display any available additional information that is associated with the alarm. The additional information includes the following data: