Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Topology Import Utility

The import command retrieves previously exported topology data for the specified domain from a file.

Import Command Parameters

The import command takes the following parameters:


The value of the domain parameter is the name of the domain whose topology is to be imported. If no domain is specified, all domains are imported.


The value of the domainmode parameter determines whether new domains are created from the imported topology. If the value is follow, then group and domain topology are imported into the current topology, and new domains can be created. If the value is ignore, then only groups and entities are imported to the specified target domain.


The value of the filename parameter is the name of the file from which the topology information should be retrieved.


The value of the nodemode parameter determines whether the imported topology replaces the existing topology. If the value of the nodemode parameter is replace, then conflicting data is replaced with the imported values. If the value of the nodemode parameter is ignore, then conflicting data is not updated.

The explicit assignment in the command line overrides the same assignment in the parameter file. For example, if mode=ignore is assigned in the command line and mode=follow is assigned in the parameter file, then mode=ignore is used.

Example 19–1 Importing Topology Data from a File

In the following example, previously exported topology is imported from the file /home/examples/snapshot. New domains are created as necessary, and conflicting data is replaced by the imported topology.

> import filename=/home/examples/snapshot domainmode=follow \

Confirmation Messages

The import utility prompts you to answer the following items before the operation is done or when the data conflicts:

Output Messages for the Import Command

This section describes the messages that might appear as a result of the import command.

import: Results 1/1


Message=The topology data is successfully imported.




The operation completed successfully.

filename: No such file.


File does not exist.


The specified file does not exist. The command line might use two files: a data file that provides the import data source, and a parameter file that provides a parameter list.

import: Cannot open filename.


Permission denied.


The file cannot be opened for reading.

import: File format is not supported.


Format wrong.


The source file is not a valid database file for exporting data.

import: File out-of-date (xx days).


Data out-of-date.


You are using out-of-date data.

import: Authentication failed.


Authentication failed.


The current user has no authority to create objects in the topology hierarchy.

import: Wrong parameter file.


Parameter file error.


The parameter file should be a list of name = value pairs. If the format is not correct, the application generates an error message and stops.

import: illegal parameter - <para>.

Use -h option to get usage.


Illegal parameter.


An illegal parameter has been passed to the import operation. Use import -h to view the available options and the available parameters.