Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Print Spooler Module Version 3.0

The Print Spooler module monitors the status of the printer daemon and print queue on the local host as well as the printer devices installed on it.

The following table describes the print spooler managed objects.

Table C–115 Print Spooler Properties



Lpsched Status 

Status of the lpsched process

Printer Devices  

Table lists information about the printer devices 

Printer Queues 

Table lists information about the printer queue 

Printer LPsched

The printer daemon section displays data on the LP Request Scheduler. The Line Printer's Schedule (LPsched) state property describes the current status of the printer.

Printer Devices Table

The Printer Devices table lists the printers that are already added to the table.

The instance name or alias of the printer is displayed in the Name field. The description of the printer is displayed in the Description field. The name of the host on which the printer is installed is displayed in the Host Name field. If you are running a console that shows data monitored by an agent on a print server host, the path name of the printer device is displayed in the Device field. The printer state displays in the Printer State field.

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for Printer Devices.

Table C–116 Printer Devices Properties



Row Status 

Status of the row 

Printer name 

Name of the printer device  


Description of the row 

Host name 

Name of the host to which the device is attached 

Device name 

Alphanumeric device name  

Device state 

State of the device  

Printer Queues Table

The Print Queues table lists the print queues on the local host and displays the status of each queue. The following table provides a brief description of the properties for Printer Queues.

Table C–117 Printer Queues Properties



Printer Queue Name 

Name of the printer queue 

Printer Queue State 

Current status of the printer queue (values are “accepting” and “not accepting”) 

# of Printer Queue Jobs 

Total number of jobs in the queue  

Current Printer Job 

Number of jobs currently spooled in the queue  

Printer Queue Size 

Total size (in Kbytes) of the jobs currently spooled in the queue