Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Kernel Reader (Simple) Module Version 1.0

The Kernel Reader (Simple) module generates a warning alarm if the module finds any disk with an increasing wait queue while busy.

A warning alarm occurs when the disk is over 75% busy and the average queue length is over 10 with an increasing wait queue. The warning alarm is on until the disk is not over 70% busy and the average queue length is no longer than 8. Similarly, this module generates a warning alarm if 90% of swap space is in use. The alarm remains open until the swap space in use is less than 80% of the total swap space.

The following table provides default alarm thresholds for applicable Kernel Reader modules.

Table C–55 Alarm Thresholds for the Kernel Reader Module

Alarm Threshold Message 



If file system kpctUsed is > 98 


If file system kpctUsed is > 90 


If file system inode percentage is > 90  


If file system inode percentage is > 80  

User Statistics Table

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for User Statistics.

Table C–56 User Statistics Properties



Console User 

User currently logged in on the console 

Number Of Users 

Number of unique users currently logged in 

Number Of User Sessions 

Number of currently active user sessions 

Max Console User 

Login name of the user that logged into the system console the most times since the last reboot 

Interprocess Communication Tables

The following tables describe interprocess communication properties.

The following table describes the shared memory properties.

Table C–57 IPC Shared Memory Properties



Total Shared Memory Segments 

Total number of shared memory segments initially available for use. 

Available Shared Memory Segments 

Number of currently available shared memory segments. 

Shared Memory Segments Used 

Shared memory segments used as a percentage of the total units. 

The following table describes semaphores properties.

Table C–58 IPC Semaphores Properties



Total Semaphores Available 

Total number of semaphores currently available. 

Semaphores Used 

Semaphores used as a percentage of the total. 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for System Load Statistics.

Table C–59 System Load Statistics Properties



1 Min Load Average 

Load average over the last 1 minute 

5 Min Load Average 

Load average over the last 5 minutes 

15 Min Load Average 

Load average over the last 15 minutes 

Disk Statistics Managed Objects Tables

The following tables provide a brief description of the properties for Disk Statistics.

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for Disk Details.

Table C–60 Disk Details Properties



Disk Name 

Name of the disk, such as sd0 

Disk Alias 

Name of the disk, such as c0t0d0 

Read Operation Per Sec 

Read operations per second  

Writes Operation Per Sec 

Write operations per second  

Operation Per Sec (read + write) 

Operations per second (read and write) 

Number Of Bytes Read 

Number of bytes read  

Number Of Bytes Written 

Number of bytes written 

Number Of Bytes Transferred (read + write) 

Number of bytes transferred (read and write) 

Average Number Of Transactions Waiting 

Average number of transactions waiting 

Average Number Of Transactions Running 

Average number of transactions running 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for Disk Service Time.

Table C–61 Disk Service Time Properties




Name of the disk , such as sd0 

Disk Alias 

Name of the disk, such as c0t0d0 

Percentage Of Time There Is A Transaction Waiting For Service 

Percentage of time there is a transaction waiting for service (wait queue length) 

Percentage Of Time The Disk Is Busy 

Percentage of time the disk is busy (transaction running) 

Average Wait Service Time 

Average wait service time  

Average Run Service Time 

Average run service time  

Average Service Time 

Average service time  

Rule 404 

Meta Disk Rule 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for I/O error statistics.

Table C–62 I/O Error Statistics Properties




The name of the device in a descriptive format 

Software Errors 

The total number of software errors 

Hardware Errors 

The total number of hardware errors 

Transport Errors 

The total number of transport errors 

Total Errors 

Total number of errors 

Under the I/O Error Statistics Table, there are the following two tables.

Table C–63 Device Error Table




The name of the device in descriptive format 

Software Errors 

Total number of software errors 

Hardware Errors 

Total number of hardware errors 

Transport Errors 

Total number of transport errors 

Total Errors 

Total number of errors 

Table C–64 Tape Error Table






The name of the device in descriptive format 

Software Errors 

Total number of software errors 

Hardware Errors 

Total number of hardware errors 

Transport Errors 

Total number of transport errors 

Total Errors 

Total number of errors 

File System Usage Table

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for file system usage.

Table C–65 File System Usage Properties




Mount point index 

Mount Point 

Mount point for the file system  

Disk Name 

Name of the device (/dev/dsk/...)

Size (KB) 

Total size of the file system in Kbytes  

Free (KB) 

Available disk space in Kbytes 

Free KB (Non Root) 

Available disk space for non-superusers in Kbytes 

Percent Used 

Percentage of disk space used 

Total Inodes 

Total size of the file system in Kbytes  

Available Inodes 

Available disk space for the file system in Kbytes 

Percentage Of Inodes Used 

Percentage of inodes used 

Note –

The Find All Recent Files (>2 or >10Meg) probe commands for the UFS Filesystem Usage and VXFS Filesystem Usage folders find only files that were created or modified less than 24 hours ago. The Find All Files (>2 or >10Meg) probe commands for UFS Filesystem Usage and VXFS Filesystem Usage find all files, regardless of the date/time they were created or modified. For more information about the probe command, see To Probe a Property.

CPU Statistics Managed Object Tables

The tables that are in this section provide a brief description of the properties for CPU Statistics managed objects.

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for CPU Utilization.

Table C–66 CPU Usage Properties



CPU Number 

CPU number 

% CPU Idle Time 

Percentage of time spent by CPU on idle mode 

% CPU User Time 

Percentage of time spent by CPU on user mode 

% CPU Kernel Time 

Percentage of time spent by CPU on kernel mode 

% CPU Wait Time 

Percentage of time spent by CPU on wait mode 

% CPU Wait Time On I/O 

Percentage of time spent by CPU on wait mode for I/O  

% CPU Wait Time On Swap 

Percentage of time spent by CPU on wait mode for swap 

% CPU Wait Time On Pio 

Percentage of time spent by CPU on wait mode for Pio 

Times Idle Thread Scheduled 

Percentage of idle time spent by CPU on threads scheduled 

Rule 403 

Meta CPU Rule 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for CPU processes.

Table C–67 CPU Process Table



Processes in Run Queue 

Processes in run queue 

Processes Waiting 

Waiting processes 

Processes Swapped 

Swapped processes 

Total Number of CPUs  

Total number of CPUs 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for CPU I/O.

Table C–68 CPU I/O Properties



CPU Number 

Central Processing Unit (CPU) number 

Physical Block Reads 

Number of physical block reads 

Physical Block Writes 

Number of physical block writes 

Logical Block Reads 

Number of logical block reads 

Logical Block Writes 

Number of logical block writes 

Raw I/O Reads 

Number of raw I/O reads 

Raw I/O Writes 

Number of raw I/O writes 

Bytes Read By Rdwr() 

Number of bytes read by Rdwr() 

Bytes Written By Rdwr() 

Number of bytes written by Rdwr()  

Terminal Input Characters  

Number of terminal input characters 

Chars Handled In Canonical Mode 

Number of chars handled in canonical mode 

Terminal Output Characters 

Number of terminal output characters 

Physical Block Writes 

Number of physical block writes 

Procs Waiting For Block I/O 

Number of processes that are waiting for block I/O 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for CPU Interrupts.

Table C–69 CPU Interrupts Properties



CPU Number 

CPU number 

Context Switches 

Number of context switches 


Number of traps 

Device Interrupts 

Number of device interrupts 

Interrupts As Threads 

Number of interrupts as threads 

Interrupts Blocked/Preempted/Released 

Number of interrupts that were blocked, pre-empted or released 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for CPU system calls.

Table C–70 CPU System Call Properties



CPU Number 

CPU number  

System Calls  

Number of system calls 

Read+Readv System Calls 

Number of read+ready system calls 

Write+Writev System Calls 

Number of Write+Writev system calls  


Number of forks 


Number of Vforks 


Number of executables 

Msg Count 

Number of message count 

Semaphore Ops Count 

Number of semaphore operation count 

Pathname Lookups 

Number of pathname lookups 

Ufs_iget() Calls

Number of ufs_iget() calls

Directory Blocks Read 

Number of directory block reads 

Inodes Taken With Attached Pages 

Number of indexes taken with attached pages 

Inodes Taken With No Attached Pages 

Number of indexes taken with no attached pages 

Inode Table Overflows 

Number of Inode table overflows  

File Table Overflows 

Number of file table overflows 

Proc Table Overflows 

Number of process table overflows 

The following table provides a brief description of miscellaneous CPU properties.

Table C–71 CPU Miscellaneous Properties



CPU Number 

CPU number  

Involuntary Ctx Switches 

Number of involuntary context switches 


Number of thread_create()s 

Cpu Migrations By Threads 

Number of CPU migrations by threads 

Xcalls To Other Cpus 

Number of Xcalls to other CPUs 

Failed Mutex Enters (adaptive) 

Number of failed mutex enters (adaptive) 

Rw Reader Failures 

Number of read/write reader failures 

Rw Write Failures 

Number of read/write write failures 

Loadable Module Loaded 

Number of loadable module loaded 

Loadable Module Unloaded 

Number of loadable module unloaded 

Tries To Acquire RW Lock 

Number of tries to acquire read/write lock 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for CPU Regwindow.

Table C–72 CPU Regwindow Properties



CPU Number 

CPU number  

User Overflows 

Number of user overflows 

User Underflows 

Number of user underflows 

System Overflows 

Number of system overflows 

System Underflows 

Number of system underflows 

System User Overflows 

Number of system user overflows 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for CPU Pageinfo.

Table C–73 CPU Pageinfo Properties



CPU Number 

CPU number  


Number of reclaims 

Reclaims From Free List 

Number of reclaims from free list 


Number of pageins 

Pages Paged In 

Number of pages that were paged in 


Number of pageouts 

Pages Paged Out 

Number of pages that were paged out 


Number of swap ins 

Pages Swapped In 

Number of pages that were swapped in 


Number of swap outs 

Pages Swapped Out 

Number of pages that were swapped out 

Pages Zero Filled On Demand 

Number of pages zero filled on demand 

Pages Freed By Daemon 

Number of pages fixed by daemon 

Pages Examined By Pageout Daemon 

Number of pages examined by the pageout daemon 

Revolutions Of The Page Daemon Hand 

Number of revolutions of the page daemon hand 

Times Pager Scheduled 

Number of times pager scheduled 

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for CPU Faults.

Table C–74 CPU Faults Properties



CPU Number 

CPU number  

Minor Page Faults Via hat_fault()

Number of minor page faults through hat_fault()

Minor Page Faults Via as_fault()

Number of minor page faults through as_fault()

Major Page Faults  

Number of major page faults 

Copy-on-write Faults 

Number of copy-on write faults 

Protection Faults 

Number of protection faults 

Faults Due To Software Locking Req 

Number of software locking faults 

as_fault()s In Kernel addr Space

Number of in kernel addr space

Memory Usage Statistics Table

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for Memory Usage Statistics.

Table C–75 Memory Usage Statistics Properties



Physical Memory Available (MB)  

Physical memory that is available in Mbytes 

Physical Memory In Use (MB) 

Physical memory in use in Mbytes 

Percent Memory Used  

Percentage of memory used 

Physical Memory Free (MB)  

Physical memory that is free in Mbytes 

Percent Memory Free  

Percentage of memory that is free 

Swap Statistics Table

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for Swap Statistics.

Table C–76 Swap Statistics Properties



Available KB (Anon Memory Not Reserved) 

Swap available. Total reserved swap space. 

Reserved KB (Anon Memory Reserved But Not Allocated) 

Swap reserved 

Allocated KB (Anon Memory Not Free) 

Swap allocated 

Used KB 

Swap used 

Total KB (Used + Available) 

Swap total 

Percent Swap Used  

Percentage of swap used 

Rule 405 

Meta Swap Rule 

Streams Statistics Managed Objects Table

The following section provides the various Streams Statistics properties for the following managed objects:

The following table briefly describes the managed objects.

Table C–77 Streams Statistics Managed Objects



Stream Head Cache 

Kernel statistics for streams head cache 

Queue Cache 

Kernel statistics for queue cache 

Streams Msgs 

Kernel statistics for streams messages 

Linkinfo Cache 

Kernel statistics for link information cache 

Strevent Cache 

Kernel statistics for streams event cache 

Syncq Cache 

Kernel statistics for synoq cache 

Qband Cache 

Kernel statistics for qband cache 

All of the Streams Statistics managed objects have the same properties. The following table presents these common properties.

Table C–78 Streams Statistics Table Properties



The Name Of The Cache 

Name of the cache 

Current Usage (total - avail) 

Cache's current usage 

Maximum Capacity 

Maximum capacity of the cache 

Cumulative Total Of Allocations 

Number of total cache allocations 

Number of Allocation Failures 

Number of allocation failures 

Percent Used 

Percentage of cache used 

Software Rules Table

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for Software Rules.

Table C–79 Software Rules Properties



Rule rknrd105  

Software rule (refer to rule rknrd105 in Appendix D, Sun Management Center Software Rules

Rule rknrd106  

Software rule (refer to rule rknrd106 in Appendix D, Sun Management Center Software Rules)

Zones Table

The following table provides a brief description of the properties for zones.

Table C–80 Zones Properties



Zone ID 

Zone identification number 

Zone Name 

Name of the zone 


State of the zone 

Root Dir 

Directory in global zone that is root directory for a local zone 

IP Address 

IP address of the zone 


Specifies whether the zone must automatically reboot when the system reboots