Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Modify an Object

Once you have created or have copied an object, you can change the object through the Modify Object window. The changes affect only the description of the object in the Sun Management Center server database and do not modify the object itself.

  1. Select the object in the main console window.

  2. Choose Modify from the Edit menu in the main console window.

    The Modify Object window is displayed. The appearance of the window varies, depending on whether the object is a group, node, composite object, or segment.

  3. Edit the characteristics as needed.

    If you are modifying a group object, the following characteristics are available:

    • Type: General or IP-Based

    • Object: Building, Campus, or General

    • Group Label

    • Description

    • IP Address (for IP-Based only)

    • Subnet Mask (for IP-Based only)

    For a node, the following characteristics are available:

    • Monitor Via

      This field is described in more detail in To Create a Node.

    • Node Label

    • Description

    • Additional characteristics such as host name, IP address, or port might be listed, depending on the type of node

    For a segment, the following characteristics are available :

    • Type: Bus or Ring

    • Object: Ethernet or IPX for bus type, or FDDI for ring type

    • Segment Label

    • Description

    • IP Address

    • Subnet Mask

    For a composite object, the following characteristics are available:

    • Object

    • Label

    • Description

    • Agent host name

    • Agent IP address

    • Port

    See your hardware supplement for more information.

  4. Click the OK button to save your changes, or click the Cancel button to leave the characteristics unchanged.