Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Changing Objects

To move an object from one location in the topology view to another location, use the Edit commands: Cut and Paste. To copy an object into other topology views and leave the original object in its current location, use Copy instead of Cut. The copy, cut, and paste functions are available in the topology view. The copy and cut functions are also available in a pop-up window by clicking mouse button 3 (typically the right mouse button) on the object.

Note –

Sun Management Center 3.6 software does not support drag and drop as an operation for moving objects.

For example, you can create an administrative domain that contains some of the objects that already exist in another administrative domain. To do this, create a new administrative domain as explained in Creating Administrative Domains. Then, copy existing objects into the new administrative domain as described in To Copy an Object.

You can also copy a group, which is an object that contains other objects. In this case, the software does not create an independent, completely new group. Rather, the software creates a symbolic link to the existing group. Thus, every copy is a different “view” of the same group.

For more information about the main console window, see Chapter 5, Managing Objects in Sun Management Center.

ProcedureTo Copy an Object

This procedure is for a single object. For information about how to copy a group, see To Copy a Group of Objects.

  1. In the main console window, select the object to copy in the topology view.

    Tip –

    To select multiple objects, hold down the Shift key while using the mouse button.

  2. At the top of the main console window, choose Copy from the Edit menu, or press mouse button 3 on the object and choose Copy from the pop-up menu.

    The following message is displayed at the bottom of the main console window:

    Copy successful
  3. Open the destination group or administrative domain.

    The destination group is displayed in the topology view.

  4. At the top of the main console window, choose Paste from the Edit menu.

    The pasted object is displayed in the destination group or administrative domain. The following message is displayed at the bottom of the main console window:

    Paste successful

ProcedureTo Copy a Group of Objects

  1. In the topology view, select the objects to be copied.

    To copy all objects in the topology view, choose Select All from the Edit menu in the main console window.

    To copy two or more objects selectively:

    1. Click the first object to select it.

    2. Hold down the Shift key, and click one or more additional objects.

  2. Choose Copy from the Edit menu in the main console window, or press mouse button 3 on one of the selected objects and choose Copy from the pop-up menu.

    When the objects are copied, the following message is displayed at the bottom of the main console window:

    Copy Successful
  3. In the hierarchy view, select the new group or administrative domain where the group is to be placed.

  4. Choose Paste Into from the Edit menu in the main console window.

    Alternatively, you can press mouse button 3 on the destination administrative domain and choose Paste Into from the pop-up menu.

    Caution – Caution –

    If you select Paste instead of Paste Into, the objects might be pasted into the wrong group. If this occurs, select the duplicate objects and choose Delete Object/Connection from the Edit menu.

ProcedureTo Modify an Object

Once you have created or have copied an object, you can change the object through the Modify Object window. The changes affect only the description of the object in the Sun Management Center server database and do not modify the object itself.

  1. Select the object in the main console window.

  2. Choose Modify from the Edit menu in the main console window.

    The Modify Object window is displayed. The appearance of the window varies, depending on whether the object is a group, node, composite object, or segment.

  3. Edit the characteristics as needed.

    If you are modifying a group object, the following characteristics are available:

    • Type: General or IP-Based

    • Object: Building, Campus, or General

    • Group Label

    • Description

    • IP Address (for IP-Based only)

    • Subnet Mask (for IP-Based only)

    For a node, the following characteristics are available:

    • Monitor Via

      This field is described in more detail in To Create a Node.

    • Node Label

    • Description

    • Additional characteristics such as host name, IP address, or port might be listed, depending on the type of node

    For a segment, the following characteristics are available :

    • Type: Bus or Ring

    • Object: Ethernet or IPX for bus type, or FDDI for ring type

    • Segment Label

    • Description

    • IP Address

    • Subnet Mask

    For a composite object, the following characteristics are available:

    • Object

    • Label

    • Description

    • Agent host name

    • Agent IP address

    • Port

    See your hardware supplement for more information.

  4. Click the OK button to save your changes, or click the Cancel button to leave the characteristics unchanged.

ProcedureTo Rename an Object

If you have changed an object's name in the real world, you can easily modify the managed object name in the topology database to match.

  1. In the main console window, select the object name to change.

  2. Choose Rename Object from the Edit menu in the main console window, or press mouse button 3 on the object, then select Rename from the pop-up menu.

    The Rename Object window appears. The Current Label shows the existing managed object name.

  3. Type a new name in the New Label field.

  4. To apply the new name for this object in the topology database, click the OK button.

    To exit from the Rename Object window without changing the name, click the Cancel button.

ProcedureTo Cut and Paste Objects

You can cut and move, or permanently delete objects from the topology view in the main console window. An object that is cut is saved temporarily in memory. Then, the cut object can be pasted immediately into one or more areas. An object that is deleted cannot be recalled. For instructions on deleting objects, see To Delete Objects. For more information about the main console window, see Chapter 5, Managing Objects in Sun Management Center.

Cut and paste functions work the same for all kinds of objects: hosts, modules, and groups.

Note –

Sun Management Center 3.6 software does not support “drag and drop” as an operation for moving objects.

  1. Select an existing object in the topology view.

    If you have not selected an object, the Cut and Delete functions are unavailable and appear dimmed.

  2. Choose Cut from the Edit menu in the main console window, or press mouse button 3 on the object and choose Cut from the pop-up menu

    A dashed line is displayed around the selected object. The object does not immediately disappear, but remains active until it is pasted into a new location. This strategy protects objects, such as processes, that should not be interrupted. The object remains visible until it has been successfully pasted.

    Tip –

    To cancel a Cut operation, click the object again.

    When the Cut operation succeeds, the following message is displayed at the bottom of the main console window:

    Cut successful
  3. Navigate to the destination location in the topology view.

  4. Choose Paste from the Edit menu.

    The object appears in the new location. The object disappears from the previous location.

ProcedureTo Delete Objects

The Delete function removes an object completely from the topology database. To move an object to another location, see To Copy an Object or To Cut and Paste Objects.

For more information about the main console window, see Chapter 5, Managing Objects in Sun Management Center.

Note –

To delete an administrative domain, use the Delete button in the Domain Manager window. See To Delete an Administrative Domain.

  1. Select an existing object in the topology view.

    If you have not selected an object, the Delete function is unavailable and appears dimmed.

  2. Choose Delete Object/Connection from the Edit menu in the main console window.

    You are prompted to confirm or cancel the deletion.

    If the Delete operation succeeds, the object is removed. The following message is displayed at the bottom of the main console window:

    Delete successful