Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Probe a Property

This example procedure explains how to probe a property in the Directory Size Monitoring module. If you have not done so already, load this module by following the procedure To Load a Module.

  1. In the Browser Details window, double-click the Operating System icon in the hierarchy (tree) view.

    The operating system modules are displayed in both the hierarchy and topology views.

  2. Double-click the Directory Size Monitoring icon in the topology view, or click the expansion icon next to the Directory Size Monitoring icon in the hierarchy view.

    The Directory Monitoring Status folder is displayed.

  3. Double-click the Directory Monitoring Status folder icon in either the hierarchy or the topology view.

    The monitored data properties are displayed in a property table.

  4. List or recursively list files in either one of the following ways:

    • Press mouse button 3 in the Directory Monitoring table row and choose the List Files or Recursively List Files command from the pop-up menu.

    • Click the Probe icon, select the appropriate command in the Probe Select dialog box, and click the OK button.

    A window appears that displays the files.