Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Set a Module Schedule

You can set a schedule that determines when a module should be active. For example, you might schedule a module to run between 8:00 AM and 5:00 PM every day. At all other times, the module is inactive, even if an alarm condition exists.

  1. From the Module Loader window, click the Schedule tab.

  2. To set the load schedule, select Scheduler next to the Module Load Schedule field.

    1. To load this module starting on a day other than today, select a Start Date.

      You can edit the information in the Start Date field manually, or you can click on a date in the calendar to select the date.

    2. Select an hour and minute for the Start Time.

      Hours are based on a 24–hour clock. For example, 16:00 is the same as 4:00 PM.

    3. Select an hour and minute for the End Time.

    4. (Optional) To set this module to load more than once, choose how often the module should load from the Repeat Interval menu.

      For example, to schedule a module to load weekly, you would select Weekly.

    5. (Optional) To prevent a module from loading indefinitely at the specified interval, type a number in the Repeat Limit field.

      For example, to load this module weekly for one month, you would type 4 in the Repeat Limit field.

      Note –

      The module loads indefinitely if you do either of the following:

      • You select a Repeat Interval of One Time and you do not provide an End Time.

      • You select a Repeat Interval other than One Time and you do not provide a value in the Repeat Limit field.

    6. Click OK to set this schedule, or click Cancel to exit from the scheduler window.

  3. To set the module enable schedule, select Scheduler next to the Module Enable Schedule field.

    The Scheduler works the same for this feature as other schedulers throughout the product. See the preceding step for more information.

  4. To load and enable the module as specified, click OK.

    If you need to enter load parameters and have not done so, an error message tells you what you must do.