Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

ProcedureTo Select an Action

When an alarm condition is met, you can choose to send an email, perform some other action, or clear the alarm.

  1. To send an email, follow these steps:

    1. Select the Email button.

    2. Type the user name or alias to which to send the email message in the To field.

      Tip –

      To send to more than one user name, separate the user names with a space.

    3. Type the message text in the Message field.

  2. To perform an action other than sending an email, follow these steps:

    1. Select the Other button.

    2. Select a script to run from the list of available scripts.

      For information about creating a script to run, see To Define an Alarm Action Script.

    3. Type any parameters that the script needs into the Arguments field.

  3. To set the alarm to be cleared as the action, select the Clear button.

  4. To set the action as you defined and close the Action Selection window, click the OK button.