Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Domain Status Summary

The Domain Status Summary section of the main console window provides a brief view of managed object status. The colored icons designate the severity of the alarms.

Tip –

To see a definition for a status summary icon, place your cursor over the icon.

Numbers next to the alarm icons in the Domain Status Summary indicate the managed objects for which the highest severity open, unacknowledged alarm is represented. For example, a 1 next to the alert alarm icon Icon: Yellow circle with forward slash(center) indicates that there is one managed object for which the highest severity alarm is alert.

The Domain Status Summary displays the number of managed objects in the administrative domain that have at least one unacknowledged open alarm of a specific severity.

Note –

If multiple types of alarms exist in the host, the icon that indicates the more severe unacknowledged open alarm appears in the Domain Status Summary.

If the most severe alarm on one host is critical Icon: Red circle with vertical bar and the most severe alarm on another host is alert Icon: Yellow circle with forward slash, a 1 appears on both alarm icons.