Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide

Alarms Tab in the Web Console Attribute Editor

The Alarms tab enables you to set alarm thresholds only for those data properties that have associated simple alarms. These simple alarms use the rCompare rule, which is described in Appendix D, Sun Management Center Software Rules. The Attribute Editor Alarms page enables you to set alarm thresholds for simple alarms only.

Note –

To set an alarm threshold, you must have the appropriate security permission. For more information, see Chapter 18, Sun Management Center Security.

The alarm management software offers you the following flexibility in setting your alarms:

Simple alarms are based on thresholds. A monitored data property is greater than, less than, not equal to, or equal to a single threshold value. By contrast, complex alarms are based on a set of conditions. For more information about alarm rules, see Appendix D, Sun Management Center Software Rules.

The following table lists common simple alarm limits for monitored properties. The alarm limits are also displayed in the Parameter Description field. You can set thresholds for one or more of these alarm limits for selected data properties.

Table 17–1 Common Simple Alarm Limits in Sun Management Center Software

Alarm Limit  


Critical Threshold (>) 

Critical (red) alarm occurs if the value exceeds the limit that is entered in this field. 

Alert Threshold (>) 

Alert (yellow) alarm occurs if the value exceeds the limit that is entered in this field. 

Caution Threshold (>) 

Caution (blue) alarm occurs if the value exceeds the limit that is entered in this field. 

Critical Threshold (<) 

Critical (red) alarm occurs if value is below the limit entered in this field. 

Alert Threshold (<) 

Alert (yellow) alarm occurs if value is below the limit entered in this field. 

Caution Threshold (<) 

Caution (blue) alarm occurs if value is below the limit entered in this field. 

Alarm Window

Alarm occurs only during a specified time period. For example, if the value is day_of_week=fri, an alarm occurs only if the alarm condition exists on a Friday. If an alarm condition exists on Tuesday, no alarm is triggered.