Sun Management Center 3.6 Release Notes

Chapter 4 Documentation Issues

This chapter describes documentation errors and omissions. Bug numbers are shown in parentheses.

General Documentation Issues

The documentation for Sun Management Center 3.6 is not available on the software CD. The English documents and localized documents are available at

Online Help is not part of the product. Choosing Sun Management Center Help from the Help menu navigates the user to the Sun Management Center 3.6 Software Collection on

Quickstart: Installing and Setting Up Sun Management Center 3.6 Issue

Table 3, “Sun Systems Supported by Sun Management Center 3.6” omitted Sun Fire T2000.

UltraSparc IV+ CPU/Memory boards are supported on the following platforms:

The base add-on in Table 5, “Add-on Disk Space Requirements by Base Component” is Volume System Monitoring and not X86Rack.

Sun Management Center 3.6 User's Guide Issues

Missing Information for the setAlarmAction Command

The information about setting up email alerts for an alarm is missing in the description of the setAlarmAction command. The missing information is as follows:

To set up email alerts for an alarm, the command format can either be command=”<email-id>:<message>” or command=”email:<email-id>:<message>”.

Correct Syntax of the help Command

The syntax of the help command is incomplete. The correct syntax is as follows:

help [-e] [<command>|about|legal]


-e displays the help text in extensive mode. The following format is also supported: <command> -e.

-h displays the help text in normal mode. The following format is also supported: <command> -h.

about displays the version information about CLI.

legal displays the licensing terms of the CLI.

Sun Management Center 3.5 Supplement for the Sun StorEdge A5x00 and T3 Arrays Issue

Table 1–42, “Sun StorEdge T3 Module – Rules” omitted the following rules.




FRU/disk – Use fruState and fruStatus to decide whether the disk is normal.


FRU/controller – Use fruState and fruStatus to decide whether the controller is normal.


FRU/loop-card – Use fruState and fruStatus to decide whether the loop-card is normal.


FRU/power cooling unit – Use fruState and fruStatus to decide whether the power-cooling-unit is normal.


System/basic-table/basic-entry/sysStatus rule – If sysStatus is not equal to OK, something is wrong with the T3 array.

Sun Management Center 3.5 Supplement for VSP High End Entry Servers (Workgroup Servers) Issue

Page 11 inaccurately refers to information in the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide about installing the new localization packages.

The Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide does not contain information about installing new localization packages. The following revised text provides the appropriate information:

During installation, you are given the option to select additional languages for online help and support files.

Sun Management Center 3.5 Supplement for Workstations Issue

Page 8 inaccurately refers to information in the Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide about installing the new localization packages.

The Sun Management Center 3.5 Installation and Configuration Guide does not contain information about installing new localization packages. The following revised text provides the appropriate information:

During installation, you are given the option to select additional languages for online help and support files.

French, Japanese, Korean, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese Supplemental Documentation Issue

The following French (FR), Japanese (JA), Korean (KO), Simplified Chinese (ZH) and Traditional Chinese (ZH_ZW) supplemental documentation for Sun Management Center 3.6 is provided in PDF only:

Sun Management Center 3.5 Supplement for Netra Servers, Japanese Version, Issue

Chapter 1 omitted the following localization packages.

Table 4–1 Summary of Localization Package Deployment















Simplified Chinese 




Traditional Chinese 




Note –

Do not use the pkgadd command to install these packages. Instead, use the installation scripts, as described in Chapter 3 of the Sun Management Center 3.5 Supplement for Netra Servers.