Sun Management Center 3.6 Release Notes

Bugs That Apply to Volume System Monitoring (VSM)

GUI Setup of VSM Does Not Work When You Migrate Data (6337557)

VSM has been uninstalled with the Save Data check box selected. When you install and set up VSM again, the graphical user interface (GUI) setup of VSM hangs.

Workaround: Use the CLI setup instead of the GUI setup to migrate data.

Uninstallation of Sun Management Center and VSM Throws a Warning Message (6340732)

When you uninstall Sun Management Center and VSM simultaneously using es-uninst, you might get a warning message like “A problem occurred with Volume System Monitoring uninstall”. However, VSM is successfully uninstalled.

You might not get this warning message when you uninstall VSM alone.

Workaround: Ignore this warning message.

VSM Packages Do Not Get Installed During Remote Installation from Solaris 7 to Solaris 8/Solaris 9 SPARC (6339478)

Installation of VSM add-on fails to install the packages SUNWfeshdl, SUNWjeshdl, SUNWkeshdl, SUNWheshdl, and SUNWceshdl. This happens when the <es-inst -R> command is run from Solaris 7 system and when the remote machine is either Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 system.

The following error messages might be displayed:

Product: Volume System Monitoring

WARNING: One or more packages were not successfully added.

The following packages were not properly installed:


Workaround: None.