Sun Management Center 3.6 Release Notes

Chapter 1 Installation Issues

Issues include information that you should know about, such as prerequisites, tips, troubleshooting hints, and bugs. Bugs are a subset of issues. Bugs have tracking numbers shown in parentheses. For updates on bugs and for patches, see the SunSolveSM web site at

Installation Bugs

Start Script Might Display Error Messages (4851517)

Start script might display error messages like Could not start Grouping service or Could not start Platform Agent.

You might see these error messages when you run the es-guiinst command on the Sun Fire system controller or when the Sun Management Center components are started on a heavily loaded machine.

In addition, if a particular component process does not start within a specific amount of time, the start script might display the same error message, even if the component was successfully started.

This problem has been observed for both the Grouping service and the Platform Agent components.

The start script does the following actions:

A heavily loaded machine can delay the results of the status check, which results in an erroneous status check failure. The error occurs because the results were not received within n seconds.

Workaround: Complete the following workaround:

  1. Verify whether the following processes are running:

    • Agent

    • Topology service

    • Trap-handler service

    • Configuration service

    • Event-handler service

    • Metadata service

    • Platform Agent

    • Instances of Platform Agent

    Type the following command:

    /usr/bin/ps -ef | grep esd

    Note –

    (On Solaris 10) The command would be /usr/bin/ps -fz global | grep esd on a global zone and /usr/bin/ps -fe | grep esd on a non-global zone.

  2. To verify whether the Grouping service is running, type the following command:

    /usr/ucb/ps —wwxa | grep SunMCService
  3. To verify whether the Java server is running, use the following command:

    /usr/ucb/ps —wwxa | grep java | grep ServerMain
  4. To verify whether the web server is running, type the following command:

    /usr/ucb/ps —wwxa | grep java | grep tomcat
  5. To verify whether the Hardware Service is running, type the following command:

    /usr/ucb/ps —wwxa | grep java | grep HWDS
  6. If a service is not running, reduce the machine load and restart the Sun Management Center processes.

CLI Batch Mode Does Not Work After Uninstalling and Reinstalling the Server (6298127)

Assume that the command-line interface (CLI) batch mode is run on system2, where back-end processes are created.

CLI batch mode does not work in the following scenarios:

CLI batch mode does not work because uninstalling the server does not kill the back-end process.

Workaround: Follow these steps to kill the back-end process:

  1. View the running back-end processes:

    # cat /var/opt/SUNWsymon/cli/process-file

    The process-file has the following format for each process:

    <username>:<hostname>:<cpid>:<jpid>, where cpid is the C process id and jpid is the Java process id. Note the IDs of the processes that you want to kill.

  2. Kill the back-end process:

    # kill -9 <cpid> <jpid>

Add/Remove Programs Does Not Completely Uninstall Sun Management Center on Windows (4930994)

If you attempt to uninstall Sun Management Center on Windows using Start -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs, the SunMC.exe is not removed from the %WINDIR% directory. This is because the Windows platform does not allow deletion of an executing program and displays “Access Denied. Source file in use” message.

Workaround: Uninstall Sun Management Center on Windows by using es-uninst or es-guiuninst.

Security Seed Limit Is Not Same in GUI Setup and CLI Setup (6339521)

The maximum length of the security seed is 8 characters in GUI setup and 16 characters in CLI setup.

If the Sun Management Center agent is intended to be used as a stand-alone SNMPV3 agent, then it is recommended to configure the agent layer using CLI setup.

Workaround: Use CLI setup for Sun Management Center if the security seed of more than 8 characters length is desired.

Localization Bugs That Occur During Installation

Software License Agreement and Supplemental Terms and Conditions for Some Asian Locales Are in English Language (4874523)

During installation, the Software License Agreement (SLA) and Supplemental Terms and Conditions for the following Asian locales are in English:





Simplified Chinese 

zh.UTF-8zh_CN.UTF-8, zh.GBK, zh_CN.GBK, zh_CN.GB18030

Traditional Chinese 




The following Asian locales use localized SLA files and are in the appropriate languages.




ja, ja_JP.PCK, ja_JP.EUC

Simplified Chinese 

zh, zh_CN.EUC

Traditional Chinese 

zh_TW, zh_TW.BIG5,



ko, ko_KR.EUC

To read the SLAs in all supported languages, refer to the printed license that is included in the Sun Management Center media kit.

Workaround: None.

Installation Messages Not Displayed Completely on Localized Environment When Using es-guiinst (4841202)

When you use the es-guiinst command to install on Asian locales, installation messages on some of the screens are not completely displayed. This problem also occurs in the English locale when larger system font sizes are used.

Workaround: Manually size the screen to display the text or maximize the screen to display the text.

Add-on Uninstallation in Non-English Locales Erroneously Displays Product Environment Component in Summary Panel (4873795)

When you uninstall an add-on product using the es-guiuninst tool, a summary panel listing all the add-on components that were uninstalled is displayed. When you use this tool to uninstall add-on components in non-English locales, Product Environment is erroneously listed in the summary panel as one of the add-on components that was uninstalled.

Workaround: Ignore the Product Environment uninstalled message. The component was not uninstalled.

Localization Information That Pertains to Sun Management Center 3.6 Add-On Products

Supported Languages and Locales for Sun Management Center 3.6 Add-On Products

The supported languages and locales for the following Sun Management Center 3.6 add-on products are listed in Table 1–1:

Table 1–1 Supported languages and Locales for Sun Management Center 3.6 Add-On Products





fr_ FR.ISO8859-15





Simplified Chinese 


Traditional Chinese 


Bugs That Apply to Volume System Monitoring (VSM)

GUI Setup of VSM Does Not Work When You Migrate Data (6337557)

VSM has been uninstalled with the Save Data check box selected. When you install and set up VSM again, the graphical user interface (GUI) setup of VSM hangs.

Workaround: Use the CLI setup instead of the GUI setup to migrate data.

Uninstallation of Sun Management Center and VSM Throws a Warning Message (6340732)

When you uninstall Sun Management Center and VSM simultaneously using es-uninst, you might get a warning message like “A problem occurred with Volume System Monitoring uninstall”. However, VSM is successfully uninstalled.

You might not get this warning message when you uninstall VSM alone.

Workaround: Ignore this warning message.

VSM Packages Do Not Get Installed During Remote Installation from Solaris 7 to Solaris 8/Solaris 9 SPARC (6339478)

Installation of VSM add-on fails to install the packages SUNWfeshdl, SUNWjeshdl, SUNWkeshdl, SUNWheshdl, and SUNWceshdl. This happens when the <es-inst -R> command is run from Solaris 7 system and when the remote machine is either Solaris 8 or Solaris 9 system.

The following error messages might be displayed:

Product: Volume System Monitoring

WARNING: One or more packages were not successfully added.

The following packages were not properly installed:


Workaround: None.

Bug That Applies to Sun Fire High-End Systems and Midrange Systems

Removal of Sun Management Center Software Also Removes SUNWwccmn Package (4824529)

The Sun Management Center es-uninst tool automatically removes the SUNWwccmn package from the system controller on Sun FireTM High-End systems. This package contains software that is required by the Sun Fire Link system software (wcapp). In a System Management Services (SMS) 1.3 environment, if the SUNWwccmn package is not present on the system controller, the wcapp software cannot be restarted. As a result, SMS 1.3 fails.

Workaround: If the SUNWwccmn package is removed from the system controller, use the pkgadd command to reinstall the package on the system controller.

The SUNWwccmn package is provided on the Sun Fire Link software distribution CD. See the Sun Fire Link Software Installation Guide for more details.

Bug That Applies to Sun Fire T2000 Systems

During Sun Management Center 3.6 installation on Sun Fire T2000 systems, the following error messages could be displayed multiple times and should be ignored.

/opt/SUNWsymon/sbin/es-inst: /usr/platform/sun4u/sbin/prtdiag: not found

Workaround: None.