Sun Management Center 3.6 Release Notes

Localization Bugs That Occur During Installation

Software License Agreement and Supplemental Terms and Conditions for Some Asian Locales Are in English Language (4874523)

During installation, the Software License Agreement (SLA) and Supplemental Terms and Conditions for the following Asian locales are in English:





Simplified Chinese 

zh.UTF-8zh_CN.UTF-8, zh.GBK, zh_CN.GBK, zh_CN.GB18030

Traditional Chinese 




The following Asian locales use localized SLA files and are in the appropriate languages.




ja, ja_JP.PCK, ja_JP.EUC

Simplified Chinese 

zh, zh_CN.EUC

Traditional Chinese 

zh_TW, zh_TW.BIG5,



ko, ko_KR.EUC

To read the SLAs in all supported languages, refer to the printed license that is included in the Sun Management Center media kit.

Workaround: None.

Installation Messages Not Displayed Completely on Localized Environment When Using es-guiinst (4841202)

When you use the es-guiinst command to install on Asian locales, installation messages on some of the screens are not completely displayed. This problem also occurs in the English locale when larger system font sizes are used.

Workaround: Manually size the screen to display the text or maximize the screen to display the text.

Add-on Uninstallation in Non-English Locales Erroneously Displays Product Environment Component in Summary Panel (4873795)

When you uninstall an add-on product using the es-guiuninst tool, a summary panel listing all the add-on components that were uninstalled is displayed. When you use this tool to uninstall add-on components in non-English locales, Product Environment is erroneously listed in the summary panel as one of the add-on components that was uninstalled.

Workaround: Ignore the Product Environment uninstalled message. The component was not uninstalled.